The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag

I’m posting this tag MID-YEAR. I am so punctual, I can’t even…

I WISH. Why is this like a month late? Is there a different calendar where this time is the middle BECUASE I NEED TO BE PUNCTUAL. I am late to everything people. All the new releases, my birthday, posting, the new releases, hyped up books, comments, bloggers, DID I MENTION NEW RELEASES? I don’t think I did.

But…What if I just time travel? I mean does this break the law of being punctual. SADLY I CANNOT TIME TRAVEL and I will now conveniently faint. *faints*. If someone knows if I can contact The 13th Doctor or how to find a TARDIS somewhere I would be insanely grateful. I mean time travel would be useful for so many things like

  • finishing your TBR
  • reading all the books
  • sticking to your posting schedule
  • having your library books for however long you like
  • fixing mistakes like dying
  • being immortal
  • stalking authors
  • eat more ice cream

 doctor who credits intro opening theme GIF

Just a brief list

But anyway I am getting off track! I forgot to thank Inside My Library Mind  (fantastic blog by the way) for tagging my old blog (MBL) in this! I’m still the same human so I guess I still get to do it?!





Image result for the hobbit

The Hobbit by J.RR Tolkien was FANTASTIC! I loved it and somehow it’s not YA and yet i know it’s an all-time favourite. BILBO WAS HONESTLY SO SQUISHABLE I LOVED HIM ❤ Not to mention the whole magic vibes I got from the story! I’m also really excited to read Lord Of The Rings which looks MASSIVE but they are hopefully as awesome as everyone makes out?

The Accident Season, The Serpent King, Ink and Bone, The Hate U Give, The Girl In The Blue Coat, The Young Elites & Six Of Crows are obviously all up there too! I cannot choose between them. That would be torture *glares*


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A lot of the sequels I have read this year have been kind of disappointing. Paper & Fire slightly suffered from second book blues and Insurgent was horrible. I was not even fond of The Rose Society because of the characters. HOWEVER, I’ll have to choose one and I’ll admit I’m not spoilt for choice so I will go with A Gathering Of Shadows which was even better than the first book (though way less dark) and it was character driven WHICH MADE THE BOOK SO DELICIOUS. I also absolutely adored Crooked Kingdom which was basically perfection.



        Image result for ash and quillImage result for goodbye daysImage result for the color projectImage result for eliza and her monster

Let’s be real this is releaseS. Stress on that S. There are so many books?! SO MANY NEW RELEASES, I AM DROWNING.I honestly really want to read Goodbye Days since I loved The Serpent King so much. I also want to read Ash & Quill because that series is  JUST so addicting. There are others like When Dimple Met Rishi, A List Of Cages and Daughter of The Burning City which have been so hyped recently. OHH AND ELIZA AND HER MONSTERS. I want THE COLOUR PROJECT TOO PLEASE.


          Image result for all the crooked saintsImage result for they both die at the endImage result for book of dust

Though a lot of 2017 has passed, we’ve still got 5 months to go and THERE ARE SO MANY JUICY BOOKS ready to be released. I would say All The Crooked Saints & They Both Die At the End because everyone else is excited about them too? But honestly books I AM EXCITED FOR…The Book Of Dust. OMG, I am going to re-read the His Dark Materials series this summer and I AM SOO EXCITED FOR THE BOOK OF DUST. KILL ME NOW.


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Well, it’s sad I actually have TWO books for this category. I had wanted to read Holding Up The Universe but I ended up finding it of really poor quality and JUST WASN’T FOR ME. I was so disappointed because THAT COVER was gorgeous and THE HYPE. I found it so dull and just not my cup of tea?



Image result for divergent bookTHE BIGGEST SURPRISE has to be Divergent. IT WAS A GOOD SURPRISE. I thought I had gone off Dystopia forever but I REALLY REALLY liked it! Somehow? I am confused at myself. Explain this. Dystopia is so burned out and typical and I…what? It was just so addicting and though i really didn’t like Insurgent, I think this was a perfect start to the series! I am yet to watch the movies (which I have heard are great)

divergent & hobbit


I think V.E Schwab is actually very new to me (like VERY NEW TO ME) I had heard so many great things about her and when I finally read her book, A Darker Shade of Magic, I WAS STUNNED PEOPLE. She is a fantastic writer and having read only 2 of her books, well it’s quite shocking she’s already earned that place of ‘New Favourite Author;


HOW COULD ANYONE NOT CHOOSE LAZLO STRANGE? He is PRECIOUS AND RARE and did I mention he had a crooked nose because a heavy fairy tale fell on it when he was reading? I need a spin-off series about that crooked nose. AND HE WALKS INTO WALLS WHILST READING. I RELLLATTE TOO MUCH. Seriously Lazlo is SOOOOO AWESOME CAN I MARVEL AT THIS? You need to read Strange The Dreamer to even being to understand the awesome.

Though I desperately need an Enzo (from The Young Elites) in my life. LIKE DESPERTALEY. And Bilbo from the Hobbit!


Image result for a monster calls

Perhaps you don’t know but I DO CRY when reading books. I am not heartless apparently. I HAVE A SOUL (though some books like to steal it which is unfair) So I’ll go with A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. Let’s clear something up: Patrick Ness and I…we do not like each other. I can never get through his books though I love his titles. So I was SOOO SCARED about A Monster Calls but I LOVED IT and I basically sobbed a little at the end because it WAS SO INCREDIBLY SAD.

The Midnight Star’s ending had me tearing up and so did The Serpent Kind though they didn’t make me actually CRY there was just something in my eye OKAY


Image result for Geek Girl

What a WEIRD question? What is this thing ‘happiness’. No, but seriously, I think Geek Girl by Holly Smale was very ADORKABLE and wonderful, thank you very much. I love how it was such a light read (though it looks massive) and the characters. SQUEE. I also think The Diamond Brother series MADE ME SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY because of the jokes? THE JOKES.

the diamond brothers

Long-Divider11. MOST PRETTY BOOK

                   Related imageImage result for ink by alice broadway#

Well cover wise and talking about books I’ve read…I would say INK had a FABULOUS cover. It’s soooooo pretty? While the book is not AS great as the cover, I am still in love. I also really like how artsy Everything Everything’s cover is!! ❤ OH and The Girl Of Ink & Stars. ALL INK BOOKS ARE PRETTY FOR SOME REASON?


Long-Divider12. THE BEST REVIEW YOU’VE WRITTEN in 2017

I have only got into the review writing habit(as in writing my review like 2.5 nano seconds after I finish a book) THIS YEAR but I would have to say my review for Strange The Dreamer tops them all.


NOTE: I DID NOT answer all the questions because some of them I will answer in a blog post or I don’t have an answer too? Like the book-to-move adaptation one. OOPS but here they are for anyone who wants to copy and paste them because I’m a nice bean like that.

 doctor who yolo dalek i regret nothing no regrets GIF

  1.  Best Book You’ve Read So Far in 2017?
  2.  Best Sequel of 2017 so far?
  3.  New Release You Haven’t Read Yet, But Want to?
  4.  Most Anticipated Release of the Second Half of 2017?
  5.  Biggest Disappointment?
  6.  Biggest Surprise?
  7. Favourite New Author?
  8.  Newest Fictional Crush?
  9. Newest Favourite Character?
  10. Book That Made You Cry?
  11. Book That Made You Happy?
  12. Favourite Book to Movie Adaptation You’ve Seen This Year?
  13. Favourite Review You’ve Written This Year?
  14. Most Beautiful Book You Bought or Received So Far This Year?
  15. What Books Do You Need to Read by the End of the Year?

Let's Whisper

What do you think you would do if you could time travel? Have you done this tag? What is a pretty book you’ve read this year? have you teared up reading any books? What book really disappointed you? And what are your currently reading?

Ilsa - Edited

57 thoughts on “The Mid-Year Book Freak Out Tag”

  1. Loved your post! I wasn’t following your new blog, so sorry about that! We share our most anticipated releases, I can’t wait for both Stiefvater and Pullman’s books! I also really want to read a Adam Silvera book, so hopefully I’ll get to that soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You seem to be having an awesome year. 😀
    My favorite so far has to be Strange the Dreamer, or is it A Conjuring of Light? Too close of a competition. P.S, Schwab is my favorite author too. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I LOVE THIS!! 😍😍 all of those books sound so good!! 😍😍 I can’t believe Insurgent let you down…I’m going to start reading Divergent in a few weeks so I’m a bit disappointed that the sequel might not be as good as the first book….and OMG The book covers in this post are all sooo gorgeous 😍😍😍

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I loved this tag, so what if it’s late!!! I loved Hobbit too and am totally on the train of reading the prequel before the actual series. I really want to read Strange, and a book by VE Shwab because her Twitter is awesome and so I want to see what she actually writes. I’m sad about the whole Uglies situation, but WHAT AM I GONNA DO.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Who cares about being punctual? *laughs* ACTUALLY I CARE. The Hobbit WAS SO GOOD, I loved all the creatures and all ❤ I've only started reading V.E Schwab's books VERY recently and I NEED MORE. Her twitter is fabulous, I love all the tweets she makes! Maybe I was too old for Uglies and had gone off dystopia altogether. I loved the ideas and all, but I just found it boring!

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  5. You have to read Eliza and HER Monsters, Ilsa.It’s so good and it has so much love for internet friendships.I legit squealed after finishing this 😂 I got an ARC of They Both Die At The End and I want to read it so badly but I have no time *cries* and I agree Lazlo is one of the best characters I have read this year too.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Gosh everyone’s done this tag and I’m just like… nope. ASH AND QUILL I NEED ASH AND QUILL. I also need THUG, ODD, and Gentleman’s (which I’m getting TODAY!!!). INK IS SO PRETTY OMG and of course Lazlo Strange is amazing and lovely! I couldn’t even get past the first few pages of Uglies, gosh. And AGOS was a really great sequel, though ACOL is sooooo much better lol. And CROOKED KINGDOM AGH MY HEART.

    If I could time travel I’d go back lots of days and just sit there reading books until it became the present again and do that over and over and over again (when I have the books). I was disappointed by History Is All You Left Me (though that was a me problem). And prettiest book I read this year… probably Strange the Dreamer lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trust May to kill the hype around the tag ❤ Jk! I have a feeling A&Q Is going to be fantastic (hopefully?) SO. MANY. BOOKS. that I need to read, it's insane. Lazlo Strange…*sighs* Even his name is whimsical! UGH, i wish i hadn't even read The Uglies?! It was such a waste of time. INK is pretty but the actuall book wasn't as good.

      AGH YES I would do the same!!! Then my TBR would become a little more friendly, perhaps? HIAYLM sounds amazing, i'm sad you didn't like it 😦 But you can't please everyone, I guess. Strange The Dreamer is so pretty! (I actually like both versions of the cover now. I'm not sure which one I like more, oops)

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I loved this post! I have not done this tag because I too am late to everything (and also I didn’t read that much). If I could time travel literally all of my problems would go away but I kind of also hate the idea of time travel sooooo. I have cried in a couple books but I can’t recall exactly what? Currently, I am searching for a book to dig into (if you have any suggestions ;))

    Liked by 1 person

    1. VIOLET? What are you doing with your life NOT reading? *shakes head* I hate the idea of time travel in books & movies (But not DR.WHO) because it’s such a MESSY idea and has to be done well. A book to dig into? HMM… have you tried the Young Elites? IT’S SUPER EASY TO GET ADDICTED TO and it’s fabulous!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Ohh great answers! I am also SO EXCITED FOR THE BOOK OF DUST I AM SCREAMING everytime I see it or hear about it. I can’t WAIT to read it, I miss and love this series so, so much.
    I’m eager to read Eliza and her monsters as well, that book sounds so good. I’m SO happy you’re anticipating The Color Project, it was such a great contemporary, I loved it so, so much! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. OH MY GOODNESS. LOTR IS WAYY BETTER THAN THE HOBBIT (i mean, both are amazing, but . . .) — if you persevere through the slowish beginning, it takes off like a rocket. Also have you seen the movies???? Because they are EPIC AND AMAZING AND JUST AHHHH AND THE SOUNDTRACK AJSDLKJ.

    Thus ends my brief ranty comment about LotR. XDDD

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  10. I love The Hobbit, but I hate hobbits. They’re so unadventurous until somebody/Gandalf takes them somewhere and they’re like “Why did I come back to the Shire?” I love the dwarves because they were made to travel, and kill, and fall asleep because they fall into the wrong river.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. OH MY GOD!! SO GLAD I’VE FOUND THIS BLOG OF YOURS! like seriously i’v never met anyone who likes divergent and im like Whyyy?? Its sooo good…i just loved it. Insurgent was a bit sloow for me as well bt meh liked the plot. And I’ve heard so much about the crooked kingdom. Will have to put my hands on it soon. Completed inkheart series (dunno if you’ve ever heard about)!
    P.S: I dont really comment much (like neeveer) but your posts are just so amazing and of course funny…i cant stop myself!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMIGOSH THANK YOU!!! Divergent was surprisingly amazing, I’m so glad I read it. Yeah, a lot of people said it was ‘meh’ but I’m a fan! Insurgent…disappointing. Apart from the ending WHICH HAS ME DYING for the 3rd book. Six of Crows & Crooked Kingdom are a duology and THEY ARE ADDICTING, I tell you! The Inkheart series – I read the first book and wasn’t much of a fan?
      P.S WOW That meanss sooo mucch!!! THANK YOUUU

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I really have to get this tag done and published, so don’t worry you wont be the last. I didn’t realise that Philip Pullman had a new book out soon, I loved his dark materials.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hey there, Mahriya!
    It’s been about a week so I just wanted to check up on how your WordCrafters chapter is coming along. 😉 ALSO YOUR NEW BLOG IS GORGEOUS! 😀 I love the header!
    ❤ Allison

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Awesome post Ilsa! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your answers here! The Shades of Magic series has been on my TBR literally FOREVER now! Series always tend to intimidate me, hence, I have yet to start one, no matter being already more than halfway through the year!
    The Strange the Dreamer cover is so lovely, I’m excited to start it soon!
    Ouch, I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy The Uglies, I actually found it pretty gripping.
    I look forward to reading more from you in the future… Happy Reading! :O)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. WHY THANK YOU *Flails*. OH NO, you MUST MUST MUST read Shades Of Magic and be only slightly damaged by the last book (Which I just finished) OOH YOU WILL LOVE Strange The Dreamer, i’m sure. I KNOW? most people adored The Uglies but I found it really boring.

      Liked by 1 person


    Okay, so I love alllll of your answers?
    (Except for The Hobbit like how even could you finish that book. I tried two years ago and I ended up skimming all of it?)

    And also yes dystopia has totally burned out but I actually thought that the Hunger Games & Divergent were the books that started the trend??

    ALSO YES I’M ALSO EXCITED FOR THEY BOth DIE AT THE END and also Wonder Woman! Renegades! Forest of a Thousand Lanterns! There’s Someone Inside Your House!! Invictus!!!

    (I appreciate the aesthetically pleasing featured image GOOD JOB ON IT)

    And also yes your time travel list is SO relatable I cannot even. I WISH I COULD STAY ON MY POSTING SCHEDULE ALL THE TIME LIKE how do people even do it. like how.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OH NO. It’s ALL GOOD. Don’t sweat!

      Oh no The Hobbit! IT WAS AMAZING. I admit, it took some time getting used to but AFTER THAT BILBO IS SO SQUISHABLE.

      THG and Divergent (and the Maze Runner) definitely kicked it all of but I only read Divergent this year SO??

      Wonder Woman (how could I forget) IS BY LEIGH BARDUGO!! I AM EXCITE.

      OMG YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT. I got There’s some inside your house as an e-ARC. I AM HAPPPYY.

      I’m doing good on my schedule so far but I know I am definitely going to slip up soon!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AHHHHHHH okay I think I’ll retry reading the Hobbit again sometime! I LIKE SQUISHABLE CHARACTERS.

        Yes! A lot of people said that The Giver started the dystopian phase and I’m like… “Okay, but The Giver is one of the more “classic” stories and THG really started it in my opinion”




  16. OMG ALL THE LOVE FOR LAZLO STRANGE!! ANd also AGOS because anything and everything VE Schwab writes is beautiful perfection clearly. ❤ I read Crooked Kingdom last year but ahhhhhhh I need to re-read. It was GLORY. 😍 And I'm so so excited for All the Crooked Saints (like #1 anticipated book of the year tbh😍😍) and also The Color Project!! Goodbye Days was excellent and so emotional.❤️💔 SO MANY BEAUTIFUL BOOKS AND SO MUCH APPRECIATION IN THIS POST!!

    Also 500% agree with your uses for time travel. I need more ice cream.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There needs to be a Lazlo Strange day in the year because ALL THE APPRECIATION. I just finished ACOL and V.E Schwab and I need to have a talk. CK WAS SO GOOD! A perfect sequel. I haven’t read anything by her yet but I am still excited for ATCS because everyone else is? THE HYPE.

      Time travel IS NEEDED and so very useful. MORE ICECREAM In life is just a standard *nods*


  17. Geek Girl is definitely the perfect answer for that question! I love that series so much (though I’ve only read the first two) It’s just so much fun 😀

    Also I NEED Eliza and her Monsters and I’m really pumped for The Colour Project as well!

    I’d probably go back in time to meet the fabulous Oscar Wilde, get him to sign my copy of Dorian Gray and maybe try to sneak him back with me in the TARDIS so we can be bffs. Also read all the books of course because who has to worry about not having enough time when you can time travel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I’ve read all the Geek Girl and they’re such fun books!

      OH YES. I would totally meet Dead Writers because they’re fantastic. Maybe Arthur Cona Doyle and few others. XD I’d just force them to teach me their ways of writing and become a famous author. MWHAHAAHAHA

      Liked by 1 person

  18. If I had time travel, I’d probably misuse it for person gains and get put on probation by the time travel police xD I’d want to go back and meet really famous historical people (like, say, Alexander Hamilton) or talk to people that are famous now but weren’t before so I can claim to be friends. GENIUS. Oooh, I really liked the cover of Caraval – and this book I picked up solely because of the cover, titled “The Watchmaker of Filigree Street”. It ended being really good! I cried reading a lot of books, but especially Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. That book was heartwrenching, but I love it very very much ❤ Currently, I'm reading Game of Thrones for a friend who is *obsessed* with the TV show. It's really interesting, actually! I've stumbled across a lot of surprising books this year.


  19. CROOKED KINGDOM AND A GATHERING OF SHADOWS AHHHHH!!! 😍😍 They were totally my best sequels this year as well (both rereads though lol but they were SO GOOD) .
    A List of Cages WAS AMAZING omg!! And oh, I haven’t read The Serpent King yet (should probably get on that ahhh everyone loves it?!?) but I just finished Goodbye Days and it was really good! (There was a lot of fooooooood and that was fabulous omg.) I want to read Eliza and her Monsters ahhhh!! Also omg They Both Die at the End! IT WILL KILL US but I’m so excited ahhhhh. ❤ So many boooooooks, loved this post!


    1. CK AND AGOS. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! I can never fit in time for re-reading so A MASSIVE roUND OF APPLAUSE HERE.

      OOHH, I really want to read Goodbye days. and yes get onto TSK *glares* It’s amazing! THANK YOUUU for your amazing comment and being you ❤


  20. I regret nothing lol
    Do you mind checking out my blog??
    I always hate asking people that it seems so intrusive. Like, “I only became friends with you to ask you that.”
    Yeah. 😛


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