10 Books I Still Haven’t Read yet (Stop with those Disappointed Looks already!)

I think we can all safely say that our to-be-read piles are MONSTROUSLY HUGE.

I have over 1000 books on my TBR list on Goodreads and just, WOW. How do you expect me to read all these books when new books are being released every Tuesday? HONESTLY, the expectations and pressures on bookworms.

There are some books that are kind of…REALLY POPULAR and loved and I haven’t read them yet. Honestly, I’m sorry. Sometimes I can’t even get these from my library so it’s not even my fault. Other times, it’s me just being lazy. WHAT CAN I SAY except your welcome. Some of these will be authors because that covers a whole lot more books I haven’t read. LET’S GO.

Also huge thank you to Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books for the idea for this post. Your the best MWAH.



Long-Divider1. Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Okay, this is FIRST on the list because I’m pretty sure its a book nearly everyone LOVES and has READ and I seem to be the only person on the planet who hasn’t read this! BUT NEVERTHELESS, this will soon change because I’m going to buddy read it with May soon and I’m so EXCITE!!

Long-Divider2. Adam Silvera books

I KNOW I KNOW. To be honest…DON’T KILL ME but I’ve seen the premises to his books and they just DON’T interest me? I’ve been really trying to read books I ACTUALLY want to read and not just hyped ones so he’s not at the top of my list, I’M SORRY. But I will have to try one of his books soon!


3. The Wrath and The Dawn

The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn, #1)
I WANT TO READ THIS SO BAD OH MY GOSH. The premise sounds fabulous and I have seen people saying that it’s such a gem of a book and AGH, I WANT!! I have her other book, Flame In The Mist, and I haven’t read it yet and I have no idea when I will but THAT’S OKAY.


4. Rainbow Rowell books

To be honest, I’ve seen this author say some pretty concerning stuff on twitter. I actually did start Fangirl and got 2 chapters in and never finished.  I do plan on reading it though and people tell me that Carry On is SO AMAZING AND CUTE AND ASDFGHJKL AND QUEER HARRY POTTER so like?? Yeah.

Long-Divider5. Wild Beauty

Wild Beauty
THE COVER IS SO PRETTY OMG I NEED THIS BOOK SO MUCH!! I’m actually not sure what is about but I heard something about a boy disappearing if you fall in love with him and I’M NOT SURE DON’T CALL ME OUT ON THIS but everyone loves this and SORRY BUT THE COVER ASHFJSAGFJASF it’s SO PRETTY HONESTLY.


6. The Cruel Prince

I actually have TWO copies of this on my shelf BUT GUESS WHAT?! I haven’t read it! It’s literally the most hyped book of ever RIGHT NOW. But it’s now gone into the phase where “everyone-loved-this-book-but-now-they-hate-it” like how Caraval and Everless did. So?

Long-Divider7. The Mortal Instruments

EVERYONE IS LITERAL TRASH FOR THIS SERIES. Everyone literally raves about what a queen Cassie Clare is and how good The Shadow Hunter series is and I’m just here like “I haven’t read them”. LET ME JUST SIP THAT TEA but this series is like 50 billion books long and they all look quite thick so…YAH. I’M SURE IM MISSING ON SOME GREAT STUFF PROBABLY.


8. Shadow and Bone

It’s written by FREAKING LEIGH BARDUGO WHY I HAVEN’T I READ IT YET!? Honestly, she is QUEEN and after the Six of Crows Duology, I’ve only read The Language of Thorns by her even though I own this book and Wonder Woman Warbringer! I hope to read it VERY soon though!

Long-Divider9. An Ember In The Ashes

An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1)
There was a lot of talking about the cover changes for this one and I did start An Ember In The Ashes but I DNF-ed it because I had to return it to the library, I’M SORRY. But it’s written by a Muslim author so like I’M SO HERE FOR THAT. But then? I’ve heard REALLY bad things about SO I’M CONFUSED!? HALP.



10. A Gazillion Other Books

Honestly, I still haven’t read any of Sarah J. Mass books (and I honestly don’t want to. They seem terrifyingly BIG.) And like, Daughter of The Pirate King and The Hazel Wood and The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue and The Book of Dust and Lord of The Rings and Narnia and Saints and Misfits! GOSH, I NEED A NAP THINKING ABOUT ALL THESE BOOKS. *screams*


Let's Whisper

What hyped books have you not read yet? Do you feel guilty about not reading certain books? What are some books that have been on your TBR forever? Do we have any books on here that we both haven’t read? Let me know in the comments!

Ilsa - Edited

91 thoughts on “10 Books I Still Haven’t Read yet (Stop with those Disappointed Looks already!)”

  1. There are so many of these that I haven’t read either!! They’ve been forlornly sitting on my TBR staring at me FOREVER. I also have a copy of The Cruel Prince and I swore that I would read it as soon as I received it in the mail but it’s been sitting on my shelf for a good three weeks now… I also still haven’t read Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor and I’ve had a copy of that since mid-December! I seriously need to get a wiggle on… (I heard that expression on The Great British Baking Show and I’m obsessed with it!)

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

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  2. LMAOOOO ILSA WHY ARE YOU LITERALLY ME. I thought I was the only one who hasn’t read all the popular books out there but then you post this AND I’M SO HAPPY THAT I’M NOT ALONE.

    And literally all of the books you mentioned are books I still have to read as well dhsjdj except Simon VS and Shadow and Bone (which you should both read ASAP btw!!!!).

    And I read my first Adam Silvera book this month and I was.. a little underwhelmed?? Idk I guess I expected something GRAND since he’s so beloved and everyone talks about how emo his books are but.. idk More Happy Than Not was kinda disappointing. I do wanna read his other two books tho because apparently they’re a lot better and VERY EMO. And i’m All about that emo stuff XD

    and OMG Wrath & Dawn, Fangirl and Ember in the Ashes are some of the books that I’ve had for YEARS and I always wanna pick them up but then I buy new releases and have ARCs to read andhdjsjd I get so overwhelmed so I forget about them and they’re just abandoned on my shelves


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      I read Shadow and Bone now and I loved it mostly ahah. And I’m gonna read Simon Vs literally so soon!

      Idk If I’ll be getting to Silver abooks soon 😦 Sorry you were disapointed, maybe you’l like his other books better 😦 haha what an emo jackiee


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  3. YOUR SUMMARY FOR WILD BEAUTY JVLDLDLQSSSMFM!! You almost got it tho hahaha, it’s about the Nomeolvides women and they’re cursed so whomever they fall in love with ends up disapearing and YES, THERE’S A BOY.
    Also, pls tell me who you’re following???? Literally everyone I know, including me, loves Ember! I am CoNFUSED.
    Shadow and Bone and The Cruel Prince are both on my TBR as well.

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  4. This is SO me.
    I planned on reading ‘Simon and the Homo Sapiens Agenda’ on it’s release date, but I just never got around to it??? And then completely forgot about it, bar the 100 times it’s come up on my Goodreads newsfeed with people talking about how much they love it. I still really wanna read it, but books cost money you know, and money is something I have very little of. Please tell me you’ll review this when you buddy read it?
    I HAVE (started) reading the Mortal Instruments series, though. I bought the series last September/October at a bargain price after becoming obsessed with the Shadowhunters series on Netflix, but they’re not the same and I’ve found it so hard to get into them. They’re so long and I think a lot of the content could have been shortened, but I definitely plan on going back to read more than the first book in the series eventually.

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  5. OMG I FINALLY READ SvTHSA (in time for Valentine’s day too) and I FOUND OUT THAT THERE IS AN ACTUAL CREEKSECRETS TUMBLR! (you’ll understand) AND I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU. (all my youtube ads are either in korean or are for love, simon… so)
    I feel like Carry On is a great book, but Rowell’s other books just don’t have the same charm? Although maybe I liked Carry On only because of DRARRY LIFE.

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  6. okay see so I don’t want to read any book from Rainbow other than Carry On because she is very questionable and she also apparently had some really bad racist Asian rep (in Eleanor & Park) soooooooo

    no please I’m begging you to stay away from Shadow and Bone. actuallyyyyyy it seems like something you would enjoy but honestly please don’t. you’re going to be so disappointed.

    tbh I’m not that interested in Sabaa Tahir’s or Renee Ahdieh’s books??? I love that they’re popular authors of color but too much hype and I’m not interested.

    OKAY SEE the thing is that I read City of Bones and thought it was really average and I am not interested in the next books. BUT LIKE??? LADY MIDNIGHT & LORD OF SHADOWS SOUND SO. GOOD. and those are the only ones I want to read in that world + new ones that haven’t come out yet??? but I have to read all the other ones first to get backstory???? ugh

    Wild Beauty is so good and I’m pretty sure that you’ll love it. also when can you get Simon Vs?? because we should probably read it soon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh crap i didn’t know that? my sister loved elanor and park so like,,,idk. i do want to read carry on too! but idk when i’ll get to her books tbh.

      well ive read shadow and bone now and i actually liked it, not as good as SoC but the freaking darkling!!

      :(((( AH MAN THATS REALLY SAD. I mean I kinda get Sabaah Tahir’s books but the Wrath and Teh Dawn? COME ON MAY!!


      Wild beauty is so pretty, almost as pretty as you ❤

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  7. Of the ones you listed, I’ve read Simon vs. (good but nothing worth writing home about it) and Fangirl (likewise). I tried reading The Mortal Instruments and it was honestly so bad that I couldn’t get through more than 100 pages in the first book. I’ve heard it gets better, but I can’t be bothered.

    In terms of what I haven’t read and feel a little guilty about: Truthwitch, Ember in the Ashes, Ready Player One, and Neverwhere. I’ll get to them eventually.

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  8. I have city of bones from my library right now and it’s due tomorrow, and I still haven’t read it. There are so many of Cassandra Clare’s books and they’re still coming out. She’s such a loved author I got intimidated.
    I’m never going to read a Sarah J. Mass book, I’m not interest. I don’t want to read something I’m not excited about when I could be reading something I’ve been excited to read.

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  9. Don’t worry about reading TMI, it’s not worth alllll the books you have to read. Honestly, I liked it five years ago but dislike it now. Adam Silvera’s books don’t interest me either so I’m not going to read them probably, no matter how many people tell me too.

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  10. I haven’t read any of the ones on your list either! Well, I’ve read the first couple of Mortal Instrument books but like you said they’re so loooong and I just wasn’t into them enough to last the whole series.😂 At the top of my TBR is Simon VS right now because the movie!! and I have to read the book before I can see it!! Oh, and also I thoroughly enjoyed your Moana reference at the beginning of the post.😂

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  11. Ok 1.LET ME JUST FLAIL OVER YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY BECAUSE WOOOOW THOSE ARE REALLY PRETTY AND OMG IS THAT COLOUR?? ON YOUR BLOG??? i am slayen (is…is that a verb?? how does one english good again??) (Ok according to google it’s slew but THAT’S NOT THE TENSE I NEED…wat is this language even *frustrated romanian muttering*)
    And 2. I RELATE TO ALL THIS. (except cassandra clare but I think you already know what you have to do yes?? *raises sword* yesss??) So I haven’t read most books but I HAVE BEEN BUSY WITH LIFE SO I LIKE TO PAT MYSELF ON THE BACK FOR THAT. And let’s ignore the murderous TBR because it hasn’t killed us yet so it must be fine…right? But just a tip : Simon is the quickest read ever you’ll finish it in like a day so. Side effects include oreo cravings.

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    1. 1. THANK YOU SO MUCH AND YES COLOUR. I do like to tease you guys once in a while by showing you I’m not just a black and hite monster haha! Should I start a bookstagram do you think? AND YES “SLAYEN” ahah english is so confusing honestly
      2. IM SORRY I SHALL HAVE TO READ A CASSIE CLARE BOOK SOON I DONT WANNA DIE!! Okay okay!! *surrenders* I’m reading Simon Vs v soon!


  12. I have SO many hyped books I haven’t read! I’ve only read a couple of these, and there’s so many others that weren’t on here as well! Only I can’t remember what any of them are right now…
    Although I can say that you’re definitely missing out with Simon Vs. and The Mortal Instruments! They re both so good!

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  13. If it makes you feel better, I haven’t read anything you’ve mentioned, except the Chronicles of Narnia. And I’m terrible… not only am I behind on books, but on most tv shows, and movies too. Just be yourself, read what you want when you have the time, and don’t stress. 🙂 Also, you take such GORGEOUS photos!!

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  14. I don’t think that you will be getting any disappointment looks from me at least… XD I haven’t read any form that list either, just Simon but I am not that impressed xD Maybe you should wait for the movie and then read the book?? Haha

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  15. Ah there are so many books I need to read! Six of Crows is like the most hyped book ever and I still haven’t read it yet? I read Shadow and Bone and tbh it was kind of underwhelming. Simon vs. the homo Sapiens Agenda was really cute! I read it for the first time earlier this month because I really want to see the movie.

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  16. Ooh, Simon Vs would is a great book to buddy read! It’s such a fun book and you should definitely read it before the film comes out! I also recommend reading Wild Beauty soon, I read it in January and I loved it!


  17. i haven’t read the cruel prince either??? me and holly black have a rocky relationship so i am Scared to get to it

    can’t pretend to understand why you haven’t read rainbow rowell yet tho but i guess i’ll try to pretend i get it (& i’ve never read anything by adam silvera either) (or wild beauty) (or the wrath and the dawn) (& i dnfed the mortal instruments and ember in the ashes series and the grisha trilogy) (so this is overall p relatable)

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  18. Now that I’ve read Simon, you are literally the last person to read it hahahaha – but don’t worry, it’s really cute I think you’ll love it! *pstt* The Mortal Instruments is kinda over-hyped. Just fyi


  19. Is it bad that I’ve only read two books of this list? You’re not alone girl, we’ll get through this together. We might take YEARS to eventually pick one of these books, but I know through perseverance and strengh we’ll finally accomplish them…. or maybe not, who even cares?

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  20. A lot of these books used to be on my TBR as well! However after a while I realised I’d never read them and remove them… I know a lot of people have probably said this, but I do adore Rainbow Rowell’s Fangirl though, you should definitely give it a go!

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  21. I don’t think I’ve read any recently hyped books because they haven’t been things that I’m interested in and I’ve been more focused on reading backlist titles so that I’m not constantly preordering books that I might not even be interested in. I’ve had Adam Silvera’s books on my TBR for ages and I have no idea when I’m going to get to them, but I’ll get around to it someday 🙂

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  22. WHAT CAN I SAY except your welcome. Great. Now I have that song from Moana stuck in my head. Thanks. XD
    I feel guilty about ALL the hyped books. I almost never read books within the same year they are published. Except for Daughter of the Pirate King. I actually read that one! 😀

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  23. I still haven’t read Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, haha! I feel like I’m missing out because lately everyone’s been talking about it BUT I PROMISE I’LL READ IT… Someday 😅.
    I’ve read a few of those books you’ve mentioned but I still have to read their sequels, so technically it should count, right?I’m the worst at finishing series😂.

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  24. I AM SO HAPPY you did this post ❤ ❤ And what are you doing, go read Simon right now, that book is adorableeeeee AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Can't wait to hear what you think of it 😀 AND THE WRATH AND THE DAAAAAAAAAWN I loved this book sooooooooo much, and An Ember in the Ashes was so, so good – also it gave me all the emotions?? Well, you have to read all of these books now, pleaseeeeeee so we can talk about these afterwards 😀

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  25. I feel bad for not having read all the hyped books too.😂 And like I read so much and STILL feel so behind?! What is this life. I haven’t read Flame in the Mist yet *cries* or the sequel to The Wrath and the Dawn. but I looove Simon Vs and all the Silvera and Anne-Marie McLemore books! And I kind of hated Ember in the Ashes but I still think it’s worth trying maybe?! AND THE CRUEL PRINCE IS MY FAVE.😍😍

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  26. Thank god I’m not the only one!! That was the only thing running through my mind when I read this list… The only book I’ve read in the list is Fangirl… And I JUST started the first book of The Mortal Instruments this morning… And the TBR growing each day is definitely not making our lives any easier!


  27. This is a fantastic post, as I haven’t read sooo many popular books – but I’m getting to them 😀
    I’ve read surprisingly many books from your list, but there are still a lot others on my TBR like Six of Crows, all the old dystopian Series that I didn’t read and so many more Series that I haven’t finished 😅 I’m very determined to binge-read some Series though! The Fifth Wave is the next Trilogy I’ll read entirely 🙂


  28. I love these types of posts because they make everyone feel less alone with not having read certain popular books! I haven’t read Adam Silvera’s books either, not because they don’t interest me, but mostly because I’m afraid of the tears. And I haven’t read The Cruel Prince either, but I want to, even though negative reviews have started being more frequent. I just really want to read some more books with fae. Lovely post! ❤


  29. OMG same haha
    Well, except for Cassie Clare Books, Simon, and one of Adam Silvera’s books, I think I have the same list as yours lol
    And Asdfghjklasfghjkl the thickness of TMI books intimidated me too at first, but I went ahead and read it because the movie was gonna come out and I don’t like watching a movie without reading the book first (maybe that’s why I’m always disappointed after watching movies based on books.)

    Love your list 😀

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