REVIEW: Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor

This book captured me like a dream catcher would with a dream.

Sorry for my terrible puns or whatever that is up there BUT I DO NOT KNOW WHAT DO WITH MY LIFE. Where do I start? What are words? This book sucked all the life out of me. I can’t even breathe. Everything is a blur. Honestly, I don’t know WHAT this book did to me, but It did something fabulous or wretched. BLAME THE BOOK.


I will mark spoilers by writing VIEW SPOILER. You click on that and it should show you the spoiler. OBVIOUSLY DON’T CLICK ON IT if you haven’t read the book. Only if you have. *glares* Click on the cover to get to Goodreads!

Image result for strange the dreamer

The dream chooses the dreamer, not the other way around—and Lazlo Strange, war orphan and junior librarian, has always feared that his dream chose poorly. Since he was five years old he’s been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to cross half the world in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself, in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever.


Maybe I’m ridden with awe and love, but the!!! writing!!! style!!!! I DROWNED IN IT’S BEAUTY. It was like quicksand. The more I read, the more I got lost between the words and pages.It’s not just BEAUTIFUL – it’s downright GORGEOUS.


The characters were so real, so fleshed out. Even the characters you hate, you secretly love.

Lazlo was and is my life: he’s so precious and AWESOME because he bumps into walls whilst reading and his nose is crooked because a fairy tale book fell on him. I NEED A SPIN OFF BOOK ABOUT HIS CROOKED NOSE. I WILL DIE FOR THIS PRECIOUS GEM AND HE IS RELATABLE AND DORKY AND ALL THE APPRECIATION PLEASE. Seriously there should be a Lazlo Strange Day dedicated to him. Look at his name? I am jealous. I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART.

Sarai was…*sigh* Well, where do I start? While I instantly fell in love with Lazlo, Sarai was a character you grew with, she stole your soul away PIECE BY PIECE. She was complex and beautiful, and so was all the other Godspawn.

SPARROW –> My heart goes out to her, the poor little MARSHMALLOW
Feral –> He’s so calm and oblivious and SUCH A SMOL LITTLE BEAN I WANT TO HUG HIM.
Ruby ->I FELT her, but she was too…I don’t know? She just left a bad taste in my mouth even though she was super cool and misunderstood.
Minya –> She’s evil and twisted but in the most rubbish and worst way. I LIVE FOR EVIL but not Minya’s kind? I sympathise with her A TINY BIT but she’s so annoying and stubborn 


The story takes its own turns. The pace varies from quite fast paced, to lingering in Lazlo’s dreams for countless chapters. The time of this world becomes yours and I just LOVED it.

The plot is also so fleshed out. I never found myself bored, the two main stories intertwined, and It was beautiful to watch everything play out. 
I liked the God spawns story A LOT AND IT MESSED WITH MY BRAIN (this going into someone else dream and sleeping and then dreaming inside the dream) but in a whole new way.  I like that there’s mystery, romance and an actual plot all going on at the same time, and it’s all so perfectly balanced!

The ending has your heart aching and it’s SO HEART-BREAKING


  • INSTA_LOVE I will say no more (though I ship it)
  • THERE WERE INFO DUMPS near the beginning. Not cool. The beginning CONFUSED MY SOUL and it felt TOO FANTASY-ISH. Like there were LOADS OF NAMES and stuff and i was just a confused bean?
  • WHEN’S THE NEXT BOOK COMING OUT? No, but seriously? Is there a release date?


I had my problems, but I loved it. Let me just die at the perfection and marvel at its beauty. I want to own this book on my shelf. Never have I read a book so live and zealous – a book so free, filled with imagination, hopes and dreams. Never have I read a book SO FILLED WITH LIFE. I might die to wait for the next book, if not for this book. Recommend it? IS THIS EVEN A QUESTION. OF COURSE, I DO.


And that concludes my first ever review on A Whisper Of Ink.

I actually buddy read this with May @ Forever and Everly which was really fun. It got a little messed up at the end but it was super cool, being the first time I had ever buddy read and well YES. What else to say? A good first impression for buddy reading.  And May was so fantastically organised, not to mention this was A BIRTHDAY BUDDY READ, which made it 10X more awesome, right? Now, ice cream anyone because this was long. ICE CREAM.

Let's Whisper

Do you love books with a good writing style?Strangest dream you remember? Have you loved a character so much you want to die for them? Have you ever buddy read before – how was it and who with? Have you read Strange The Dreamer – THOUGHTS PLEASE.

Ilsa - Edited

62 thoughts on “REVIEW: Strange The Dreamer by Laini Taylor”

  1. Oh I’m so glad you loved this book 🙂 I’m just a bit nervous about all of the info-dumping at the beginning, but everyone has been LOVING that one so much, I’m still eager to read it sometime. Lovely review! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well…As long as it starts to make sense, it’s all good. It’s when it never makes sense that there is a problem haha 😛 Can’t wait to read that one 😀


  2. I really liked your review! Especially your review style! And I have to say, I also think that reviews don’t gather much views but sometimes my reviews suddenly garner more attention and I’m confused?? So I’m not sure.

    I actually started reading Strange the Dreamer a week back but I’m in a book slump so I decided to wait it out and love the books rather than push through the slump and hate the book. I’m yet to get back to it, and I really hope I’ll love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! ❤ That means so much because most of my reviews are me and my keyboard flailing around with CAPS LOCK, but you know, I don't MIND if I doesn't gather that much attention, because i find writing reviews super fun but then…It's like no comments to appreciate this hard work? BUT THANK YOU FOR COMMENTING ❤

      AGH, I hope you get out of your slump soon! I've been in a reading slump before and I know that it's best to wait it out ❤


      1. You’re welcome! And yes, I totally relate to your feel on reviews not receiving comments! Whenever someone says they liked a review, it means a little more than them liking the other posts.


  3. OMG yasss seriously this book SLAYED. WHY IS IT SO PERFECT. WHY DO I LOVE LAZLO SO MUCH. And Sarai. My precious bean. And Laini Taylor is SO CRUEL. She literally shoved ALL THE PLOT TWISTS in front of your nose at the beginning and it still took me till more than halfway to figure them out hahahaha. Buddy reading is so fun! I wish that I could do more of it, but it can be so hard to find someone who has the same reading pace! I’m in the middle haha and for some reason I only know superhuman-fast readers and readers who are much much slower than lowly I. I love this review! It makes me so happy that you loved this book just as much. I can’t wait for Muse of Nightmares to come out *heart eyes*

    Liked by 1 person

      Sarai! I so felt for her when Minya punished her and manipulated her, which is why I kind of hate Minya. She was so cruel to my precious little beans LIKE LAZLO, ahem. I KNOW like it’s like hanging ice-cream just out of my reach! It was more plot twists for the characters but somehow they still ‘surprised’ me even though I KNEW what was going to happen. I actually think Laini Taylor can do magic and CRUEL magic too.

      This was my first-time buddy reading and it went pretty good! We set up a schedule and all but near the end, I was just kinda eating the book because it was so gripping and I couldn’t resist!

      OMG, i soo need Muse Of Nightmares even though I’M SURE it’s going to be about Minya being cruel to Lazlo *glares* and I cannot bear to see that happen. BUT I SHALL STILL READ, of course. I like my soul to be crushed!

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      1. I am soooo mad at Minya but I also kind of understand her???? Like she tried so hard to save them all but she wasn’t strong enough and it has haunted her so badly she can’t grow up. But she definitely has some mental issues she needs to get worked out ASAP. And that ending. UGH I WAS SO FURIOUS I CAN’T EVEN WITH HOW MAD I WAS. I knew it was going to be that way. I just know stuff is going to go down in the next one…Cruel magic indeed!

        I have had a few buddy reads that went really well! Always the ones with a schedule haha. But there have been a few who just wizzed right by me, or were so slow and I didn’t want to put off reading anymore.

        Soul crushing books are the best! Whoever calls bookworms sadists are probably right :,)

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      2. Yeah, I remember that scene where it delved into her backstory and I SO FELT FOR HER THEn but she is still cruel and I GET WHY but Lazlo is life.

        Though I did do a minor ‘group buddy read’ for THUG and it didn’t have a schedule and I kind of finished the book in 2 days. OOPS

        YEsSSssS I basically have a hate/love relationship with soul-crushers THE FEELS ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I LOOVVE VILLIANS. LIKE I LIVVE FOR VILLAINS with sad backstories and cruel ways. But she wasn’t my type of evil for some reason? OF COURSE ESTHER. Pfft, There is NOTHING wrong with you. You obviously aren’t going to eat as sun and then be queen of DARKNESS. Obviously.

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      4. Haha that’s how I felt when I first finished the book. But the more I think about it the more I sympathize with her. Another reflection of my soul which is probably black. OBVIOUSLY I WILL NEVER DO THOSE THINGS. THAT IS TOTALLY UNREALISTIC


  4. Reviews are fine as long as you make them interesting, unlike me usually haha! YOU ARE CLEARLY VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS BOOK. 😁 Glad to hear you enjoyed it – what’s your next bookish adventure?


  5. Haven’t read this one yet but heard a looooot about it! Your review makes me want to devour this wonderness right now…how can you do this?? And dont worry about the CAPS…NEEDED FOR A GREAT BOOK like this!! Ice cream everywhere…ENJOY!


  6. Um… I don’t think your spoiler thing worked??? D: At least not for me. I’m so glad you liked Strange so much! Judging by the “meh” reaction I had from reading your review, I don’t think I liked it as much. BUT IT WAS STILL GOOD!!! Lazlo was definitely my most favorite part of the book. Writing style and insta-love the least. D: I JUST DON’T GET ALONG WITH LAINI TAYLOR’S WRITING STYLE. I know it’s gorgeous tho — it was just TOO MUCH.

    Also, I SO agree. Lazlo you definitely just fell in love with right from the start, but Sarai you grew to love. The other godspawn were wonderful as well! Minya was a little bit TOO much. Also I don’t have much to say now because we did lots of discussion already (thanks for the mention, lovely <3). Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It didn’t? What browser are you looking from, because it relies on that a lot? It worked for me and other peeps (I think?) I WISH YOU LIKED THE WRITING STYLE< because I was basically in love ❤

      No worries! Our buddy read was so fantastic!

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  7. The insta love kind of (nearly) ruined this book for me 😦 I was hoping that for once they weren’t going to fall in love like every other ya novel but they did. This might have to do with the fact that I had my heart set on Lazlo and Thyon somehow ending up together lol. I don’t know how that thought got put into my mind but it did and I couldn’t let it go. Aside from that, this book was truly beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This book is my most anticipated of the year. It’s sat on my bookshelf begging to be read but I feel like it’s one of those books I have to be in the right mood to read. Laini Taylor’s writing captivated me in her Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy so I have no doubt that it’ll be even more exquisite in Strange the Dreamer. I hope I can tick this book off my tbr by the end of the year. Great review. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG I have that feeling too. I really want to read Eragon and it’s sitting on a shelf but I’m just waiting it out. I haven’t read Daughter of Smoke and Bone but i SOO WANT TO. I hope you enjoy Strange The Dreamer!


  9. YES YES YESSSSSSSS FRACKEN YES I WOULD DIE FOR LAZLO. Honestly, I’m desperately trying to work on some artwork of Lazlo, but it’s hard. I will get there at some point, i will.
    I haven’t done a buddy read ever before! I want to do a buddy read… do you wanna do a buddy read??? (In my head i sang this to the tune of do you want to build a snowman)
    I don’t skip reviews anymore because I know I want mine to be read as well. Reviews are exhausting to write sometimes, so of course I’m always a little shcoked when they get a normal amount of attention for my blog!
    I loved it, Ilsa! 😀 ❤

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    1. OMG I need that Fanart noooww. Work on it, I’m sure it’ll look FABULOUS, because you are an amazing artist. I know that from The Typewriter Project.

      We use to be best buddies and now we’re not. I MEANNN YESSS, I’d love to buddy read with you…BUT I HAVE NO IDEA WHICH BOOK?

      I’m still guilty of skipping reviews though i try and do it less, these days. AND THANK YOU ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  10. THIS BOOK STOLE MY HEART. I CAN’T EVEN. It was 50000% perfection for me. 😍😍😍 I looooved how fantasy it was and like all the stories and mythology and just AWK. I AM IN LOVE. And Lazlo was such a precious dork. Also 500% think the audio is amaaaazing if you like audios.😍 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Reading this review gives me the feels because I’m 30% through and LOVING IT. So far Ruby is my favorite godspawn actually, but that’s probably biased because I love those type of personalities in general. Serai seems cool to but I HATE MINYA. I adore Lazlo and also Calixie (idk if that’s how it’s spelled I’m in an audiobook) but I have a feeling she won’t play that big of a role in this book even though I’m literally in love with her. Great review!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ruby was awesome but then..WELL something happens and then I don’t like her. But you probably haven’t red that yet. I HATE MINYA TOO *high fives* I love villians but not her type of evil. Thought at one point you will feel SO SORRY for her. Calixte (i cant remember how to spell it) is amazing but she disappears for most of the book

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aaaahh that makes me so sad I just want to read more about her!!!! And also you’re making me wayyy more excited than I already was to read this and that’s saying something since I think about it all the freakin’ time

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  12. I personally don’t skip over reviews because I typically look through reviews for good book recommendations so I have to read it. Also, you always make your reviews very entertaining so it’s fun to read.
    Reading your review I almost feel like I have to read it, you know?? I definitely will try to, at least. ICE CREAAMMMMM

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  13. I’ve heard a lot about how beautiful the writing style of this one is, but it never really appealed to me coz,,, writing style is subjective, but your review really made me want to read it, if only because Lazlo sounds adorable?? I need him?? Which felt weird typing because I know a Lazlo in real life and don’t like him at all lmao. Great review! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LAZLO IS ADORABLE. Promise you. Everyone loves him. It is a crime you don’t.

      However, yes, some people didn’t click with the writing style (*cough cough* MAY) but I liked it. It can get very flowery though. Thanks for your sweet comment ❤


  14. Whenever I think about Ink and Bone, I wordlessly sob and scream And AAAHHH THAT BOOK THAT BOOK THAT BOOK!!!! I haven’t read any of the others in the series and I’m scared because of second book blues PLEASE NOOOO!

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  15. Pt 1 out of I-don’t-know-how-many of catching up on A Whisper of Ink!! WOO. ❤ ❤ Don't mind me, casually reading your posts a month after they were posted. :)))) (*cries on the inside*) I NEED THIS BOOK. LIKE NOW. I mean, I have this book. BUT I MUST *READ* IT. NOW. xD It sounds amazing!! I adoreeeee Laini Taylor's writing and Lazlo sounds so precious and jwifjwijwoiejowejf. Not a fan of instalove or infodumps?? But it's not enough to keep me away from this beaaaaautiful book haha. Lovely review!! I want ice cream now. *leaves to find ice cream*


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