Books/series I MUST(!!!) read – or I will be eaten by a dragon (maybe) – in 2019

One of my 2019 goals is to read books I REALLY want to read.

I mean one of my own unwritten goals is to like find out how this new WordPress editor works…and we know that’s not gonna happen but, whatever.

I know this seems like a really EASY goal. Like everyone reads books they want to?? Why else you would you read, are you a potato? And yes, I am a potato amongst many other things (amazing, a queen, the best in the world, the list goes on) BUT I feel like ever since joining this strange book blogging world – I started reading books…for the sake of it, for the hype and not because I (me!!! A penguin!!) wanted to read the book.

I want to get to all those books I procrastinated for a century while I hibernated in my hobbit hole and read all the popular books that I wasn’t even actually EXCITED about.

Also Mel @ Mel to the Any gave me some inspiration with her awesome post where she listed all the books she wanted to read for 2018, and at the end of the year, saw how successful she was. WHICH I THOUGHT WAS SO COOL. SO I Stole the idea from her because I am unoriginal and have no brain. and she was kind of enough to just…let me to be a sneaky magpie. (I’m in a strange mood today, leave me alone)


Image result for the mortal instruments book series

The Mortal Instruments – I have been meaning to read this series…FOREVER. Okay? F O R E V E R. I honestly think I will REALLY REALLY love these books and get obsessed and I been searching for a series to get obsessed with for a while to be honest. I can’t wait to read these this year and get invested in the shadowhunter world? EEK.

The Foxhole Court – Everyone SCREAMS about how GOOD this series is. I can honestly name so many people who say this series is beyond amazing and that they are obsessed with it, namely, may @ forever and everly who gave me the final push I needed to REALLY consider reading these since she’s ranted so much about loving these.

Vicious by V.E Schwab – Honestly, I need to catch up on all the Schwab books. Especially her older releases like The Archived and the rest of them. But I DO have Vicious sitting on my shelf and I really want to read it because I haven’t read a Schwab book in FOREVER. And that needs to change since I always hype up her books?

The Book of Dust– I am APPALLED at myself that I have not read this yet, okay? I know I need to read it but I have been putting it off forever even though I wanted to read it so much before it had released?

The Diviners by Libba Bray – I ALSO HAVE THIS ONE ON MY BOOKSHELF. This is bad, very bad. Because I’ve heard this is SO GOOD and amazing and creepy and it sounds like My Cup of Tea(tm) so I’m so ready to read this.

edit: adding The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe.

Re-Reading for 2019

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black – I’m going to re-read this and The Wicked King with Kerys as a buddy read and I’m really excited!

Six of crows by Leigh Bardugo – it’s just tradition to re-read this every year? i love it so much??

edit: adding ace of shades to this!


Finale by Stephanie Garber – the cover is lowkey ugly but we all know the inside is going to be way better!

The Boy Who Steals Houses by CG Drews– I know this is going to be as good as A Thousand Perfect Notes SO I’M READY.

The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn< – I read a sample of this and it was torture because how dare someone give me three chapters of this and not give me the rest?

We Hunt The Flame by Hafsah Faizal – an Arabian inspired fantasy by a Muslim author? Yeah, I’m more than excited.

What books are on your MUST READ TBR for 2019?? What are some backlist books you never read but really want to?? And what releases are you excited for? Tell me everything!

two notes: 1) this post is less than 1000 words? CAN YOU BELIEVE? i have blessed you with a short post and 2) the featured image may or may not be a lowkey reveal of a bit of my maybe new design. idk. i’m still testing things out. okay bye!!

62 thoughts on “Books/series I MUST(!!!) read – or I will be eaten by a dragon (maybe) – in 2019”

  1. The TMI SERIES YES OML OML OML OML pls pls pls DM me all your scream-y thoughts as you read I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHAG YOU THINK. You might hate them (might hate clary she’s a bit eh at the start but CHARACTER GROWTH IS *THERE*) But Jace is the snarkiest, sassiest Queen to exist AND full of angst and I THINK YOURE GONNA LOVE HIM!!!

    (Also I’m reading vicious and vengeful this year too (hopefully!!)



    1. EEK! I’ve just borrowed City of Bones from my e-library and am going to start soon! I shall send you all the reactions if they’re welcome ahah. It’s so COOL TO SEE U FANGIRLING OVER THIS SERIES.

      and i’ve lowkey just started vicious but haven’t made much progress but it’s pretty cool and dark so far!!



  2. I ventured into the Shadowhunter world and I never want to go out. Ever. That’s a series waiting for you to be completely obsessed with. Happy reading!
    P.S. I love Six of Crows too ❤


  3. AHHH, this post is wonderful, I love seeing all the amazing books.<3

    I really want to read The Mortal Instruments too! I read the first couple books quite a few years ago, but they were some of my first YA books to read, and I don't think I fully appreciated them?? I need to try again. Also, Bridge of Clay!! I got that one for my sister for Christmas so hopefully I can subtly steal it from her room and read it. XD

    EEE, I have way too many feels about the Raven Cycle. If you reread it (and even if you don't) I will probably constantly bombard you with exclamations of how much I love it.


    1. Ahh I hope you enjoy TMI if you ever get round to reading it and giving it another chance. I hope to love and get obsessed with the series, fingers crossed?

      and i finish my re-read of the raven cycle and LOVED IT but the raven king was lowkey very disappointing the second time around? I love the whole series tho and the characters so much (BLUe. GANSEY. RONAN!!)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I totally get what you mean about reading books because of the hype and not really reading them because you want to read them. I think reading more books that you want to read is a great goal. One of my goals is to read more backlist books as well. There aren’t too many new releases that I’m looking forward too, I’ve seen the YA lists on Goodreads and I’ve been underwhelmed by them.


  5. So.

    I saw this post in my email and then I read to the end (I know I’m super nice 🙃) and there was this note about a new feature image and… well… let’s just say a bruised elbow whilst I scrambled to get my laptop to check the image out is TOTALLY WORTH IT. I am liking this peach/light colour (I DONT DO NAMES OKAY?!) and the suspense!!

    OOOOH TMI!! I read the first book and I think? I enjoyed it *goes and checks GR rating* 4 stars hmmm I may have to finish of the series (if my brain ACTUALLY manages to remember what happened)

    And AGHHH I AM SO EXCITED TO BUDDY READ WITH YOU!! TCP was amazing?? And reading and screaming about it with you will make it even more amazing?? And omg yes reading The Raven Cycle and Six of Crows series is a summer holiday tradition of mine!! (Since when? Last year 😂) They are just so great though and AHH I LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERS

    I read Caraval last year and it was amazing and magical and full of secrets?? Like I needed to read Legendary YESTERDAY. I’m really excited for The Boy who Steals Houses because!! It sounds so cute and ahh!!! I’m honestly too excited for all the wonderful books that will be read in 2019!! Good luck on reading these! (I low-key want to see you being eaten by dragon but not really so *crosses fingers*)


    1. So.


      i hope i like the first book enough to continue the series and get obsessed!!

      and we really need to start on that collab – i’ve just been so busy I HAVEN’T HAD THE TIME I’m SORRY. and Six of Crows is my heart I re-read it every year IT’S SO GOOD.

      AND YOU NEED LEGENDARY. when you read it SEND ME THE SCREAMING UPDATES. and no i shall not be eaten by a dragon (hopefully) thanks for commenting ❤


  6. ILSA! I love you so much and you’re now officially my FAVORITE magpie! And these are AMAZING picks! I’m so scared about The Foxhole Court, but now I know I have you! Hehehe! And your 2019 releases section? PERFECTION! Happy reading, sweetheart! And I hope 2019 gives you the entire galaxy and all the stars within it! 💗xx


  7. Yes, read what you want to read! You go gurl 🙂
    At the moment I’m reading the Grisha trilogy, because Six of Crows has been sitting neglected on my bookshelf for way too long, so I really want to get round to it this year. If you reread it every year then it has to be good!
    So excited for Cait’s new book! I don’t know how she’s going to top ATPN… I’m so excited to see though.
    Also literally bought the Astonishing Colour of After just the other day! Can’t wait for that.
    Hope you have the best reading year! It seems like you’ve got a great selection.

    Simi ~

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m halfway through the trilogy, and yeah I get why you think it’s bad… but I wanted to read it before going onto Six of Crows to get a feel of the world, you know? Glad there’s so many books I’m looking forward to reading this year!! 😉


  8. Hey, I’m El! 💕
    I was just wondering when you were going to read the wicked king with Kerys because I’ve recently read the cruel prince and am super excited for the wicked king!
    I’m blogging friends with Kerys already but would love to get to know you more!
    If you guys wouldn’t mind I’d love to buddy read with you (I assume it’s on goodreads but correct me if I’m wrong)
    I hope I’m not being too forward? 💕


      1. Hey!
        It’s no problem, I get that we bloggers can get a bit swamped at times! I finished the wicked king too so I’d love to hear your thoughts on it? And I loved to buddy read together when our reading aligns again! 💕


  9. Let me know when you plan to read The Mortal Instruments series because I am also guilty of not reading these books but promising myself that I will! Also, I run a readathon called Series Crackdown on Twitter if you’re interested, TMI may be a good TBR for it! Next round is 15th – 24th February, hope you can join in!



    I am going to delete myself if you don’t like TFC also please don’t expect that much from it it really is trashy and low quality but if you get obsessed, YOU GET OBSESSED. (also the first book is the worst of the series you better read all the books if you’re getting yourself into this mess) also you should tell me when you want to read it so I can reread it at the same time as you :)))

    I would try to talk about other books but unfortunately talking about TFC got me a little messed up hhhhh I hate this



      i’m going to read it near the end of feb i think? I WILL TEXT YOU WHEN I KNOW I’M GONNA READ IT!!! and i can tell you’re a little obsessed haha. YOU KNOW, just a tiny bit obsessed. I really hope I love it so you don’t delete yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’M WAITING FOR YOU TO GET TO ALL THE SERIES. But ESPECIALLY TMI. I still need to read The Foxhole Court. I bought the books and I’m just like… procrastinating. I am nearly certain I’m going to love them but I’m like *drags feet* about it?????? IT’S SO DUMB. Someone needs to just knock me on the back of the head with a book. (Frankly, that’s like one of the least horrific ways to die like at least I could be a dramatic ghost with a book with me at all times in the afterlife.)

    Sorry I’m rambling. ANYWHO, some of these I need to get to (!!!!) as well but (incoherent babbling about how lazy I am) yeahhhh one day we will. Maybe. Possibly. Probably. Hopefully.


    1. OKAY I WILL HOP ON THE HYPE TRAIN FOR TMI SOON I PROMISE OKAY!??! I NEED SOME TIME. I like that the first book in the all for the game series is FREE because I’m such a broke bookworm ahaha. and good luck on your own tbr, happy reading, and thanks for your comment ❤


  12. I’m with you about reading books I really want to read, too! I often feel like, because of book blogging and the hype, I’m reading a ton of books but not necessarily the ones I want to read the most and… we should get to the books we want to read the most before anything else, right?
    Anyway, this is a great post and I love your list of books! I also really want to read The Devouring Gray, The Boy Who Steals Houses and maybe Summer Bird Blue as well, even though that one will break my heart hahaa 🙂
    Happy reading ❤


    1. I definitely feel like that’s a downside to book blogging – always feeling that you need to be swept away with new releases and the hype when you really you just to want to read books you genuinely find interesting?
      I got Summer Bird Blue in the post yesterday and I’m so excited to cry and read it ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Oof I’m constantly reading backlist books tbh, although two series I started and want to finish this year are Wolves of Mercy Falls series by Maggie Stiefvater and the Slated trilogy by Terri Terry which are both backlists. I’ll need to reread the first books but honestly, I can’t remember much.

    I hope you end up enjoying TMI (personally I prefer TID hehe) and SoC is amazing and I adore it along with the Raven Cycle!


  14. oh my goodness i toally get what you mean when you say you want to read books you WANT to read. last year i read a lot of books specifically to catch up with the crazy fast, ever-changing book community but i want to read more books for *me* this year. oooh man all of our bookshelves have to make room for the boy who steals houses 😍


  15. Ohhhhh a new design? 👀 I’m intrigued! Also you made me want to reread Six of Crows as well this year. I thought of doing it last year but,,, the pain,,, of Crooked Kingdom,,, do I want to put myself through that,,,

    I can’t wait to read On The Come Up and The Boy Who Steals Houses 😀


  16. Ahhh this is SUCH a good idea!! And I’m planning to reread TMI this year too *flails* Actually I want to reread all the Clare books I have, but I also will probably be crushed under an avalanche of pages if I do. But like??? Bookworms live on the wild side. And YES READ THE FOXHOLE COURT and suffer like have all lovingly suffered. It’s so addictive too, so you’ll probably gobble through all 3 really fast.😂I want to reread them soon. Also rereading The Raven Cycle…ok so we can see my TBR is going to hate me this year. :’)

    (Aandsfla I can’t wait for TBWSH to be out. 😂💛I’m actually supposed to be copy-editing right now shhh i’m reading blogs instead.)


    1. you have so much re-reading to do if you’re going to re read all the clare books because UHM HER BOOKS ARE JUST SO HUGE HOW. and ive never seen a fan who’s not a full on worshipper to tfc SO WE’ll SEE.

      Also i’m so excited for the cover of TBWSH!!! IT’s going to be so pretty and hopefully YELLOW.


  17. So many books in this list I want to read myself! I am constantly lost on book releases, so backlists are half of my TBR anyway. The Foxhole Court is probably the one I’m most excited to read; I feel like it’s been a long time since I last read a series with such a big fandom, and I’m excited to dive into it. I am also excited about Vicious; it is a super hyped book that I’ve been meaning to read since forever, so hopefully 2019 will be the year I’ll cross it off the list.
    Hope you get to all the amazing books you plan on reading, Ilsa! ❣️


    1. YEAH!! i feel like tfc has a very big fandom who are intensely obsessed so im curious to see what i think of it. also hard same with being behind on books like i can never catch up!? and i hope vicious is amazing bc ive liked everything by schwab so far.

      thanks so much for ur comment ❤


  18. I am going to SCREAM when ‘we hunt the flame’ comes out bc its pretty much my most anticipated read in the entire world. THE SNIPPETS MAKE IT SOUND SO INCREDIBLE I AM READY

    omg ilsa I just finished reading Eleanor Oliphant and wowowoow its SO GOOD but also so sad I cant wait to see what you think of it bc I definitely wasn’t expecting it to be so good. i…….ahem still have to read ‘summer blue bird’ as well bc may made it sound so good

    THE BOY WHO STEALS HOUSES SOUNDS SO SAD AND WHOLESOME I NEED IT RIGHT NOW!!! this is seriously such a good idea and im totally going to have to channel all this energy you have so i can get books & series done too bc im so lazy with that (oops)



    1. every snippet is so intense and i’m just like idk if i’m even ready. idk how i’ll even be able to read it when it releases bc im broke but im EXCITED.

      fhdgfhd if u say it’s good then it’s good i trust you. i saw it advertised at waterstones for like 4000 months and i guess marketing rlly works.


      and you’re too kind to me stoooppp ❤ ily!

      Liked by 1 person

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