August Whispers // ARC Gobbling, Back To School & V.E SCHWAB IS WRITING A NEW SERIES?!?!?!?

I am unbelievably sad August is over.

August was my month for BASICALLY DOING WHATEVER THE HELL I LIKED and it was bliss. And now in a few days, I will be returning to school. RAISE YA HAND IF YOU’RE SOBBING TOO. Like why? I don’t want to go back to school! I haven’t even done a full back to school shop yet but I honestly don’t care because SCHOOL. Why do months have to fly past me like birds? I shall chop off their wings.

I guess I should STOP complaining (seriously tho. The effort) August was basically the month for me just binge-reading all the books and, it is times like this I wish i could read books for a living *sigh*


OMG, I READ 20 BOOKS I DO NOT THINK I AM OKAY? WHAT! TWENTY. BOOKS.IN. A. MONTH. Can we have a round of applause? CAN WE? Like this is what happens when a bookworm has free time. I am proud. AND because I read so many books I will be splitting this up into slices of cake. 🙂 🙂

W H A T . S H O U L D .  I .  R E A D . N E X T?


I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy NelsonGlass Sword by Victoria AveyardBecause You'll Never Meet Me by Leah ThomasRed Queen by Victoria AveyardFlight of a Starling by Lisa Heathfield

I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson ★★★★☆  // NOAH. This was wild, free alive and broke all the rules. AGH SO AMAZING.

Denton’s Little Death Date by Lance Rubin ★★★☆☆ // Funny, weird and overall a lighthearted read about death. XD to the whole book

Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard★★☆☆☆ // Dragged for the like the first 50% but loved the ending. Need the next book ASAP thanks.

Because You’ll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas ★★★★☆ // OMG, the best platonic relationship between two boys and just ADORABLE because they write letters to each other and asdfghjkl.

Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard  ★★★★☆ // SO REFRESHING! I really enjoyed it. Gripping and bloody plus an amazing MC.

Flight of A Starling by Lisa Heathfield ★★★★★ // Utterly feels bending AND OMG THE TEARS. Not. Okay. Plus THERE’s A CIRCUS.

Pushing Perfect by Michelle Falkoff  ★★☆☆☆ // Went wrong for me in so many ways. Disappointing.


Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca ZappiaThe Princess Saves Herself in this One by amanda lovelaceOne of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus

Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia ★★★★★  //  WELL, I bought this as an E-BOOK so it still counts. Anyways geek appreciation, fangirling and BASICALLY SO GEEKY AND AMAZING. Wallace.

The Princess Saves Herself In This One by Amanda Lovelace ★★★★★ // this is such a moving, personal book and hit home. Amazing poetry.

One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McKanus ★★★★☆// I predicted half the plot twist *sigh* but still, super fun to read!
#arc august

I took part in #ARC AUGUST and while all of these were e- arc’s it was super fun to participate! This was the first reading challenge I’ve done in *checks out life* MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. and while I didn’t get to participate in any of the Twitter chats, it was a great motivation to get me reading some ARC’s even though my NetGalley ratio is still only 50%. kill me now.

          Daughter of the Burning CityThere's Someone Inside Your HouseJuniper Lemon’s Happiness IndexThe Taste of Blue Light by Lydia RufflesRules of Rain by Leah ScheierThe Hanging Girl by Eileen Cook                                                         Satellite by Nick LakeA Taxonomy of Love by Rachael  AllenA Dangerous Year by Kes Trester       

The Taste of Blue Light by Lydia Ruffles ★☆☆☆☆ // Not for me AT ALL. Boring and just overall SO MESSY!

Rules of Rain by Leah Scheier ★★★★★ //  I LOVE YOU ETHAN.

The Hanging Girl  ★★★★☆ by Eileen Cook // Not as chilling as I would have liked but still a good read which was really clever and had ice cream appreciation.

Satellite by Nick Lake ★★★★☆ // A super cool sci-fi book that had feels BUT dragged a lot.

A Taxonomy Of Love ★★★★☆ by Rachael Allena // super cute read that I just adored so much ❤ ❤ ❤

A Dangerous Year by Kes Trester ★★★★☆  // Ally Carter but darker and WAY MORE DIVERSE. Loved.

Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody ★★★★★ // OMG Mind Bending, Stabby Fun & Magical Murder. SUCH A GENIUS BOOK!!

There’s Someone Inside your House by Stephanie Perkins ★★☆☆☆ // SO disappointed. Still 70% romance and 30% murder. LIKE NO??

Juniper Lemon’s Happiness Index by Julie Israel // ★★★☆☆ This was REALLY GOOD but…I had a few issues with it? :/


The blogging life has been good! I’ve stuck to my schedule and met a lot of new bloggers. I am really afraid that I won’t be able to do as much blogging things when school starts.


Jasmine interviewed me! She’s so sweet and amazing and her blog is just FAB.U.LOUS! She did a whole shoutout think for her 200/300 follower celebration and I just felt so appreciated you know? Thanks Jas for doing that for me! It gave such a boost to my new blog.

I’ve been back at designing blogs! I recently closed down my custom design shop but i decided to help a few bloggers out. I designed It’s Lu Again’s blog (LU IS AN AWESOME CREATURE OF THIS UNIVERSE.) and YES, Jasmine as well! She asked for a quick logo and  I quickly whipped it up. Take a look at these! Tell me what you think!!!

I hit 500 likes! This happened near the beginning of the month (August 2nd) and I just wanted to thank all of you for being so supportive.I’ve been receiving really nice compliments about my blog lately and people are just generally being so awesome SO HERE IS ALL THE ICE CREAM FOR YOU.

Screenshot 2017-08-12 at 12.16.36

I am drowning in awards. Like;

  • Entertainer Blogger Award
  • The Insider Book Blogger Tag
  • The Unpopular Opinions Book Tag
  • The Social Media Blog Tag
  • The Awesome Blogger Award
  • The Liebster Award

Like THANKS FOR BEING SUPPORTIVE GUYS! I know you love me! *beams*  *flips hair*

 backyard sessions GIF



 adventure time feels fangirling feel better GIF

V.E SCHWAB REPLIED TO MY TWEET. Yeah. don’t worry I AM SO FINE RIGHT NOW. SO FREAKING FINE. SHE. REPLIED. TO. MY. TWEET. The master of writing books, THE PERSON WHO INVENTED KELL’S COAT, replied to my GOD. DAMNED. TWEET. HELLO. HELL. O. I AM DEAD. and she liked my tweets too. SO not dead.

Screenshot 2017-08-30 at 10.24.32


No, but seriously..I made a Bloglovin’ account. So if you’re on there make sure you follow me so you can stay up to date with me and my blog 🙂 🙂 🙂 #awkwardselfpromo

OH and I’ve been having so much fun with the Scribbler’s challenge! It’s simply been SO MUCH FUN! I’ve loved every single prompt so far, some harder than others and the winners are going to be announced in like 2 days AND I JUST CANNOT WAIT. this has been so much writerly FUN.Did I mention FUN?

I am ahead of schedule in my Goodreads Challenge. LIKE OMG with all the reading I’ve been doing I am 22 books ahead of schedule. With school coming up that is just PERFECT because I won’t be able to get more reading done with the new year starting! WHOOP. No need to worry for me then! I GOT IT ALL UNDER CONTROL.

Screenshot 2017-08-31 at 20.25.41



blog post love


B L O G G I NG  &  O T H E R


I’m going back to school(!) As I said in the introduction, I AM SAD. Like I have all my stationery BUT I AM NOT IN THE LEAST EXCITED okay? This means fewer books & blogging PLUS the school library is not open at the beginning of the year and WHYYYY?

I started doing Yoga. I am officially yogi queen. It’s actually surprisingly fun and well…stretchy. Does anyone else do yoga?I will survive this, don’t worry.

I started my bullet journal again! Kind of? More just like random to-do lists to be honest. I am thinking of getting an actual letchrum notebook BUT WHO KNOWS? At least I revived it from the dead.

Bullet Journal

I started requesting physical ARC’s. *gasp* May finally got permission to request ARC’s and before I had only requested e-copies of books but MAY WAS SO INSPIriNG AND BRAVE… I was like if she can do it, SO CAN I! Though i haven’t got approved for any YET. OKAY? STOP BEING RUDE.

I have plot bunnies! I have some ideas…well ONE IDEA for a BRAND NEW SHINY PLOT BUNNY and I am going to share it with you soon and SDFGHJKLKJHGFDSDFGHJKL I AM EXCITED. It’s about an immortal guy who wants to die. HEY THAT RHYMED

 bunny GIF

I got new glasses! They’re really nice an own-like. they were/are a spare pair but I ended up liking them more than my ACTUAL pair so LIKE THEY’RE SO SMOL I LOVE THEM OKAY? Though i do think I was over-prescribed. #rude.

Oh and I’m debating whether to watch the new #GBBO? Like Mel, Sue AND Mary Berry have left and it’s on channel 4 and like?? should?? I?? watch?? it??I JUST WISH IT WAS STILL WITH THE BBC OKAY *cries* I used to be a massive fan of the show!

September is SCHOOL! I really want to start getting reviews in so whenever I need to get a review done I will occasionally post on THURSDAY! I know that could potentially mean…4 posts in a week if I do an announcement on Friday as well which is CRAZY. So to sum up, I will occasionally review books on a Thursday.

Let's Whisper

How was your August? Are you going back to school – sad or happy? ARE YOU INSANELY EXCITED ABOUT V.E SCHWAB’S NEW BOOKS!?!? What are some of your favourite books this month? TELL ME WHAT YOU HUMANS HAVE BEEN UP TO! (link me to your monthly recaps too!)

Ilsa - Edited

69 thoughts on “August Whispers // ARC Gobbling, Back To School & V.E SCHWAB IS WRITING A NEW SERIES?!?!?!?”

  1. This wrap-up is the BEST 😮 I’m so sad August is over too but I love Autumn so yay 😉 Also those logos are incredible you’re so good at design whaaa !! ❤ 😉 Aand you started a bullet journal?? Me too! (well, i need to start it) love love love love wrap ups ! 😀 Tabi x

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Firstly, I am so sad that August is over. It went ridiculously quickly!
    Secondly, how do you create a Blog Lovin’ account so that all your posts copy over or do you have to manually copy and paste everything into the account.
    Thirdly, are you going to keep your schedule when you go back to school or is it going to change?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bloglovin’ does it for you! It’s super easy to use. Sign up, claim your blog (t will tell you how) and your blog is PERMANENTLY on there. It’s going to saty the same and I know i’m crazy but I’m also going to start posting on Thursday’s as well??

      Liked by 2 people

  3. OMG V. E. SCHWAB’S BOOKS ARE GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF ME! I screamed so much when I saw the announcement on Twitter (seriously my poor neighbours must be so concerned 😂). Also yess school is the wooorssst. I feel your painnn. Can’t believe I have to go back to socializing with real life people.
    Aghhh I wish I had the courege to request ANY kind of arc. Alas I shall go back to being a blog hobbit and wait patiently until I’m ready.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nice post Ilsa!! Yes August just flew past!! And it’s September and I’m excited!!! Did you really read 20 books in a month? That’s insane!?! I’ve been reading a book called ‘the look’ ( that rhymes!) and loved it!!! And about Bloglovin- does it ask if us if we have a blog? I did download it but I was rather confused!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Woah you’ve read so much!! I really want to read Daughter of the Burning City (I’ve heard so many amazing things!!)
    Also YAY YOGA!!! I don’t get to do it a lot, but I love when I can!! (I also kind of suck at in… as in I have no flexibility…. but it’s still super fun and feels amazing!!)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yeah, so glad to see you on Bloglovin’! Building a following takes a while, but you will eventually get there! 😄

    Yeah, this is the second good review for The Hanging Girl, so I’m definitely excited to read it soon, since I have an e-ARC! I’ve also been hearing meh things about There’s Someone Inside Your House, so I’m thinking of taking it off my TBR! 😅

    And thank you so much to linking back to my post; you’re too kind! 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ahhh yayyy thank you for mentioning the shoutout!! I’m so, so happy you liked it, that just makes me so happy every time😊😊
    YOU READ SO MUCH I’M JEALOUS😭😭 I used to read that much but one day I just slowed down to the point I can’t even read four books in a month whyy😭
    Oh man, as for the new GBBO, I think you should give it a try! I watched it and it wasn’t bad, it wasn’t the same without the originals but it wasn’t bad!
    Loved your wrap up once again!
    ( and I’m sending prompt 6 and your feedback to you soon!! )

    Liked by 1 person

  8. OH MY GOD FOREVER FLAILING OVER VE SCHWAB’S NEW SERIES. THIS IS LIKE CHRISTMAS FOR BOOKWORMS. ilsaaa 20 books?? I’M PROUD OF YOU. and you read I’ll Give You the Sun!! that’s like one of my favorite books of ever NO JOKE !!!

    i’m going back to school next week, and i’m very excited (because i’m starting a new school) & very nervous (because i’m starting a new school). i’m not that sad that my summer is over because i’ve been out of school since FREAKING MAY aka the longest summer in the history of the world.

    unfortunately, i was in a bit of a reading slump this month. i think i only read about 4 books?? i finished off my goodreads challenge aaandd then i promptly stopped reading. OH i did read my arc of All the Crooked Saints WHICH WAS AMAZING AND I LOVED.

    in terms of blogging, i switched to self-hosted wordpress with my own domain wooooo. *cackles* it’s already so much better and i looveeee my theme!!

    madeline @ reverie pages

    Liked by 1 person


      I’ll give you the sun took me 100 pages to really start liking it but after that I ADORed IT!! Good luck for your new school, hopefully you won’t be needing it. SENDING ALL THE ICE CREAM YOUR WAY!! Noooo, you had holidays since MAY. I AM SO JEALOUS! I had like 1 month and 15 days of holidays WHICH IS RUBBISH. UTTER RUBBISH.

      I AM SO HAPPY that you got All The Crooked Saints as an ARC!!! AND DOUBLE HAPPY that you enjoyed it!!! SQUEE.

      I shall have to banish the reading slump for you! 4 books is still great I MEAN YOU FINISHED YOUR GR CHALLENGE! WHOOP WHOOP

      I just feel your blog deserved to be on self-hosted and IT LOOKS EvEN PRETTIER THAN BEFORE? LIKE HOWWW??


  9. What a great wrap up! I feel like we just had a major conversation! I can’t believe you got an ARC of Daughter of the Burning City! Lucky! I’m glad you enjoyed it…

    Your LOGOS ARE SO GREAT! I LOVED Jasmine’s especially 😍😍😍 What a great service to your friends! And a bullet journal! YAY! I love mine and couldn’t blog effectively without it! Are you gifted art wise as well?!

    Good luck getting physical ARCs! It’s like the holy grail of book reviewing ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I love recap posts! It is great to get to see what is going on in the lives of fellow bloggers. And I relate to the terrors of going back to school! I am going through the same thing! No time for reading or doing anything that I love. Freedom is slipping away. Also since my blog is newish this is my first time trying to run it while I am in school and I hope it survives. Good luck with your own schoolish experience and I hope you are able to find slivers of time here and there to continue to do the things you love!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. *raises hand sobbing* Why does school have to start so soon?

    AH OMG YOU READ 20 BOOKS I’M IN AWE I’M SO PROUD OF YOU! I wish my reading speed was that quick 😦 I also love stealing books of your monthly wrap ups to add to my to read list so THANK YOUUU. Your bullet journal is super cute and I’m so glad you’re trying to revive it back to life #compassion ALL THE BEST WITH YOUR ARC REQUESTS I really hope someone realises what an amazing book blogger you are and sends you copies of books. I love reading what you get up to each month and it’s super sweet how you recommend other inspiring bloggers and posts.

    Have a wonderful weekend

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Lol your Netgalley ratio is better than mine, don’t worry about it. Also, I bought Daughter of the Burning City yesterday so I’m glad to know you loved it!
    I know that new glasses feel, it’s so comforting to have a new pair!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. ahhh, you are the literal queen of logo designs!! and omg, good luck with school, that’s so exciting yet so terrifying because schoolwork is so much… work!! sending all the ice cream and love!! <33

    personally, this month has been a MESS and I really need to pull myself together. :') I've been in a massive reading slump and alsO swamped with Stressful Things which is not the best combination.

    anyways, all your ARCs sound so wonderful, I hope you looove them!! and HAHA, I'm glad to see you're starting up your bullet journal again!! XD


  14. You had such a FABULOUS reading month, 20 books, that’s so, so awesome! I hope you’ll manage to read many great books this september as well. So happy you loved Because You’ll Never Meet Me – it’s such an underrated book, I loved the friendship between these two boys SO much ❤ And YES for I'll Give You The Sun, it's one of my favorites of all times ❤
    Best of luck for getting back to school, you can do this! I wish I was getting back to school or uni, ahah, oh the good life 😛 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahaha, wait…wait until you have to work and try and be an adult ahah it is, well…just not that fun anymore. We all should just have unlimited holidays, that’d be a DREAM.

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Duuuuude YOU GO BACK TO SCHOOL IN A FEW DAYS??? You got out like a month after I did and I’ve only been in school for like… wait… three weeks… NEVER MIND.

    CAN. YOU. PLEASE. STOP. Dude 20 books in a month is NOT okay I hate you??? Like WHY HOW ADLF;JASLDFJASLDFJAS. 22 books ahead of schedule bye. This is NOT okay Ilsa I THOUGHT YOU WERE A SLOW READER??? And omg why is Illuminae not on the list of books here???

    Yay for BuJo and YAY FOR BEING INSPIRED BY ME! I hope you get some physical ARCs, tho it must suck that not a lot of people will ship to the UK. 😥 (But you have some publishing houses there, right??)

    Duuuuuude my top choices for you are Champion (YOU. WILL. BE. FRICKING. DEAD.), This Savage Song, and Cinder. BUT I PICKED CHAMPION BC YOU NEEEED TO READ IT. (Way to make me pick between three of my favorite authors smh.) I’m so glad you enjoyed the Scribbler’s Challenge!! And DUDE I want to read The Princess Saves Herself in This One so bad — I read part of it at Target (70 pages in like what, 5 minutes) and it was SO GOOD. I just love poetry so much, especially empowering ones??? ELIZA. <333

    Also I've said this already but please stop reading so many books thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NEVER MIND! Though i do feel your holidays were longer? *cries*

      NO MAY YOU SHALL NOT HATE ME! I just had a lot of time on my hands! When i go back to school, I’ll probably return to 8 books a month! I AM A KIND OF FAST READER BUT NO SUPER FAST? I DONT EVEN KNOW yes i shall stop reading so many books.

      YEAH, a lot of the big publishing houses are set in the US which IS SO SAD *cries* (SO MUCH CRYING IN THIS COMMENT) but hopefully, i’ll get some soon!

      I reserved Champion from my library SO WILL BE READING IT SOOn! EEP, I am so excited to be damaged. The Princess Saves herself in this one is unbelievably POWERFUL. I love poetry too! WALLACE!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I think our holidays are longer! MWAHAHAHAH.

        Noooo IT’S NOT FAIR. I had so much time on MY hands in the summer but I read my average amount of NINE books???

        CHAMPION YASSSSSS. Dude you should be well aware that Marie Lu is the queen of depressing endings soooooo. Have fun. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  16. OMG OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGO YOGA YAS. Okay,, i liked this post thing morning by went out and JUST GOT BACK TO MY COMPUTER. OKAYYY



    Pleaseeee read This Savage Song soon because SCHWAB. Bc discussions BC AMAZING.
    And omg your tweets give me life.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am replying to this comment a month late AND YOGA HAS FAILED ME. More like I failed Yoga.

      YES I KNOW YOUR SPECIES!! How amazing am I? But do you know my species? AND AT THIS TIME, I have read TSS and i cannot wait for ODD! AND OKAY I SHALL STOP BEING AMAZING and start procrastinating. Wow, Lu, I’m such a great freind.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Noooo HOW DARE YOU FAIL YOGA.

        Just… sooooo amazing…………….. ofc………

        Omejshdndjwnwjenjee ODD. Omg you stopped procrastinating to reply to me… awwww so kind!!!!!!!!!!


  17. WE CAN CRY OVER HAVING TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOGETHER. I am so sad. It’s not okay. It’s just not.
    WOW YOU SURE READ A WHOLE HECKIN LOT OF BOOKS. I’m so proud. Sososo proud.
    If you don’t read the book thief, I will send a legion of warriors led by Lazlo Strange to your home. You will thank me and then be upset and you just need to read it okay
    HAHAHA I swear, Schwab has responded to one of my tweets too, and I’m always like WHY IS THE ONE THAT YOU RESPOND TO WHY. *dies a painful slow death*

    Liked by 1 person

  18. 20 books. WHAT. EVEN. Wow. That is quite an achievement, Ilsa! Like your 500-likes milestone! *Shoots the cookie canon.* Glad to be seeing you had a fabulous August and I know you’re dreading going back to school, but I hope you have a lovely September all the same. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  19. 20 BOOKS WHAAAAAT???!?! ILSA. I’m not sure whether I am in awe or super envious???? Probably both. xD That is so, so amazing though ahhh!!

    I’m so glad you liked I’ll Give You the Sun, that book is one of my favourites! Also hahaha I kind of expected you wouldn’t like Glass Sword?? I AM PSYCHIC NOW. Yes. The ending was pretty cool though! I think. I don’t really remember because I’m a goldfish. But whatever. I hope you enjoy the third book when you pick it up!
    OOH I want to read Daughter of the Burning City so much!! I’m so glad you loved it.

    I AM SO EXCITED FOR THREADS OF POWER OMG like I can’t even???! Also V.E. Schwab replied to your tweet omg GOALS. 😀

    OH and thank you so much for sharing my posts, you kind soul! (Who unfairly read 20 books AHEM rude. Just kidding ily plz teach me your ways??) And unrelated but can I also just go crawl into a hole and never return until school ends again??
    LOVED this post! ❤


    1. I’m obviosuly not like A MONTH LATE REPLYING TO THIS. So sorry!! As you can tell, SEPTEMBER WAS SO BUSY FOR ME!! And I DON’T EVEN KNOW ANYMORE. 20 books? I’m starting to think I have an addiction.

      Glass Sword has me pumped for the third book but the actual book itself? YOU ARE PSYCHIC, I did NOT enjoy it too much. I hope you DO read Daughter of The Burning City, It actually played tricks on my brain.


      Agh school is and was and will always be HORRIBLE.Let’s just dive into a hobbit hole and never return


  20. Oh my gosh, your month sounds SO EXCITING that I can’t even. And 20 books??? Girl, did you ditch sleeping? How do you even do that? XD I need to know. I just got through 10… but then I guess I still had my job, some days even on the weekends. I miss school vacations! I hope your September is good too though 🙂


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