I won NaNoWriMo! + Q&A + What I Learned + Here are those Snippets You Demanded ft. a screaming, insane and extremely tired penguin (aka me)


I don’t think i am making any sense

I don’t know if I ever will again.


I am so dead and tired and exhausted and drained and worn out and fatigued and overtired and weary and sleepy and drowsy and shattered.

all of those words describe me right now + future me

This post will be a bit of a mess. Sorry. I am a bit…all over the place. Not sure if you could tell. haha. *faints*

Tired Morning GIF by Look Human



1. PLOT TWIST: I’m a huge panster.

I didn’t even know this? See, all this time I thought that I was a plotter. I thought I planned things. CLEARLY NOT. This novel was done off…ideas in my head. While everyone else was slobbering away at outlines I was here just being wild and reckless.


Honestly, I think about 15k of my novel was written during word wars/sprints. I was part of 2 NaNoWriMo group chats on twitter and I did the occasional word sprints there. Really I want to thank Lia, May, Ju, Jackie and Ross for all being there for me when I needed to word war/race.

I don’t where I would be without you guys. Probably still weeping over how I lost NaNo.

3. Locking away your inner editor IS A VERY GOOD IDEA

I mean like, IT WAS HARD. This was the first time I had to stop myself from looking back on the last chapter I wrote and fixing and editing everything. I had to plough onwards and even though I could just FEEL my WIP getting messier and messier.

4. Comparing yourself to others WILL NOT HELP (at. all.)

I remember scrolling through twitter and people were sharing amazing snippets. Whereas mine was just? complete unedited trash and people had these snippets that looked like they came from a PUBLISHED NOVEL. And then you looked at mine, and they weren’t too good.

But! I think focusing on your OWN novel is super SUPER important so! I HAD TO KEEP ON GOING WITH MY RUBBISH NOVEL.

5. NaNoWriMo is really hard

This is the biggest thing I have learned so far.

Writing 50k in 30 days is freaking tiresome and difficult. I mean some people finish early or you know IN TWO DAYS *paperfury* but for me?

It was very very very tough.

Finding the motivation to write, pushing through every word, thinking of words to actually type and writing a lot of words without getting distracting by Goodreads and Twitter. ALL VERY HARD THINGS.

Basically, I found it hard especially for my first time!


AND NOW IT IS TIME FOR A QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION. Thanks to Ilsa @ A Whisper of Ink for the question and here’s some appreciation for Ilsa @ A Whisper of Ink for answering the questions! Wow Ilsa really is so generous.

Q: So what was your novel about again?



A boy made of shadows.

A girl made of stars.

Skatten is looking for his long-lost brother. He’s determined to find him no matter the cost but when he stumbles across Jackie, manager of The Ponder Palace, he realises the secrets of magic, love and art. 

Jackie is the boss of a creative centre and is passionate about all things art. When Skatten enters her life she starts to wonder about the possibilities of magic, castles and ruling them both. 

You can find out more in my original post here! 

Q: What happened to not going on a hiatus?

wow i was so confident in maself



But really! I have a good excuse apart from being too busy smashing my keyboard.

  1. The first week I was out on trips so…I didn’t have any time
  2. Then I lost my camera wire which allows me to transfer pictures
  3. Then I got behind on NaNoWriMo so had to catch up
  4. And then I did POST TWICE (both were reviews)
  5. And then I started having exams
  6. But who revise for those things? RIGHT.
  7. and then I had to write 10k in 3 days so bye

SEE. It wasn’t really my fault. THIS WAS MY FIRST TIME DOING NANO so I underestimated how difficult and time consuming this would be. So, please forgive me.  If I do this again next year, I will definitely take a hiatus. DEFINITELY.

Q: But why would you put myself through this torture again?

A: Because I am a writer.

Q: Can you talk us through the month?

A: So I am going to do this weekly because i am goldfish and remember nothing. I’m also going to show my tweets which accurately represent how I felt about NaNo over time.

WEEK 1: SO I WAS AHEAD OF SCHEDULE! I was pretty much dancing around my house like “I’m gonna win EARLYYYY”Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.42.41

WEEK 2: I wrote like 1000 words. Congratulations. I was feeling SO demotivatedScreenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.49.47Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.52.25

WEEK 3: HOLY CRAP I NEED TO CATCH UP WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFEScreenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.53.25

Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.55.21Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.55.29

DAY 29: I cannot do this. I wept and cried and was very distraught.

Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.57.39

DAY 30: *writes 6k words* OMG OMG OMGGGGGGGGGGGScreenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.57.50Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 12.58.05

Q:  How did you feel after you won?

A: dead

Q: What are you going to do now?

Apart from napping for about 677 years (that sounds like a good amount) iI hope to start editing + rewriting this excuse of a novel. I want to have a break from my novel this December and then in 2018 jump right back into it!

Here’s my editing list/plan/thingy:

  • Correct all typos
  • Make chapters thicker
  • Add in chapters
  • Add more words and adjectives and make the book good
  • Improve words and writing
  • Add in different POV chapters
  • Rewrite prologue because it makes no sense haha
  • Rewrite flashback scenes
  • Rewrite the ending because it wasn’t heartbreaking enough

I also want to decide whether there should be a sequel to this. Like, I WANT to write one but next November, i want to definitely write a contemporary. I’ve got something really powerful and inspiring I want to write so the sequel is a maybe. Though there’s a massive cliffhanger? SO I’m a bit evil but that is not even news. BUT THE CONTEMPORARY IS EXCITING AS HECK. It includes

  • All the POCs
  • Feminism
  • Muslim character
  • More feminism
  • Witty and amazing characters
  • Diverse cast
  • London setting
  • Intense book love
  • So lots of library scenes
  • and bookshop scenes
  • Summer themed

I MEAN OMG IT SOUNDS PERFECT! I’m planning on OUTLINING this one because it is definitely a novel I want to map out ❤ I am already excited to write this one! I might write this over the year instead of just in November! I’m already planning on aesthetics.

Q: So when can we read this and when is it being published?

A: You are very funny.

I don’t think this a publishable book. it’s more of a “just for fun” project. after editing, I might submit this to #PicthWars (which I know 0 about) but do I  think I can publish a book? Not really.

As for you reading it?


I’m sorry guys. But am I really? To be honest, this novel, even when edited, I just…GODDAMN IM TOO SCARED TO SHARE THIS WITH EVERYONE.


I mean MAYBE some of my close blogger enemies friends will be allowed to read it but hahaha like they will even want to. They’ll probably be bored from page 1. 🙂

Q: May you share some aesthetics?

Of course! Of course! I mean, Lia, the aesthetic QUEEN and even word war queen I admit made this wonderful thing for me.



I also made this one Pinterest which you’ve seen before but inscase you have forgotten, here it is!


A: okay FINE FINE. See how nice I am? [edit: majority of snippets removed]

Screenshot 2017-12-02 at 17.11.23

MEMORIES OF WRITINGScreenshot 2017-12-02 at 16.06.05

Long-DividerSO BASICALLY I WON. Special shoutout to Lia and her Sherlock GIFS which kept me going and May who was always there to word war (mostly) and was basically great in keeping me motivated!

Really I am still screaming over this.


Let's Whisper

So did you win NaNoWriMo? Share some recent writerly achievements! Did you like the snippets? Are you now dead too? Tell me some important writer lessons you have learnt!

Ilsa - Edited

85 thoughts on “I won NaNoWriMo! + Q&A + What I Learned + Here are those Snippets You Demanded ft. a screaming, insane and extremely tired penguin (aka me)”

  1. I am impressed by everyone who wrote 50k this month cause I only wrote like 10k in total this month? (Wait maybe it was 20k) 😂 I’m such a bad writer.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve only ever set myself a 20K goal for nano, and I only managed 10K when I did it last year and even less years before😂
    I also have about twenty seconds a day to myself because Year 11 is a killer, so couldn’t do Nano this year but I totally wish I could’ve😭

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ahh congrats on winning NaNo!! That’s so awesome! I LOVED the snippets too – you have such a clear writing style! 🙂


  4. Congrats on winning NaNo! It’s definitely hard to push through when you’re behind especially when you’re ahead in the first week, it happens to me every year lol Your novel sounds great, and I love your snippets❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Please don’t retreat to a hobbit hole I WOULD MISS U OK. Comeee backkk I can offer you ice cream??

    Also your contemporary sounds amazing!! I stand by what I say that if a book takes place on London it automatically has the best setting sorry that’s the rule and I didn’t make it. Also book love amd feminism and poc?? yesssss queen WIN IT WITH YOUR AMAZING BOOKS.

    Wait your books has a smol baby dragon?? I ALREADY LOVE QUIRK SO MUCH?? I relate to quirk on an emotional level quirk is me.

    And pfffft that smiley face you put at the torture scene Ilsa I don’t trust you should I become a good grandmother to Skatten and protect him from you?? I will bake him cookies and give him a hug let him be happyyyyy.

    Congrats on winning that’s amazingly hard to do and YPU PULLED IT OFF IN THE LAST WEEK that’s amazing. I am in awe of your skill.


    1. AHH I’ll guess I have to live with human kind now. *takes ice cream*

      I’m so glad you like the idea of my contemporary! I think it will be super easy to write since I have had a lot of experience of the genre (spoiler alert: I am alive) WELL I LIVE in London so obviously, THIS WILL BE EPIC!

      OMG QUIRRKKK. The smol baby dragon. I am so evil and really bad stuff happens to him. OOPS.

      OH AND SKATTEN SHALL NEVER BE HAPPY. The ending of my novel ensures that muahahhahahahah. :))))))

      AHHH THANK YOUU ❤ You are amazing and I AM SO GLAD I WON!!


  6. I LOVED your snippets! What are you talking about? They totally sound like a published book already! 😀
    I didn’t win. :/ I only got to around 31,000-something, but that’s like 4,000 more words than my personal best, so I guess I did accomplish something. 🙂


  7. CONGRATULATIONS on winning NaNo, this is such a huge and amazing accomplishment, I’m so proud of you < ❤ This aesthetic and your snippets are so, so great, what do you mean, this can't be a published book? You are soooo under estimating yourself here 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m sorry to ruin your celebration okay hold up before that I shall congratulate you first, so CONGRATULATIONS on winning NaNo!! Now to ruin that, what exactly is a NaNoWriMo?? I know please don’t kill me. But I legit have no idea!!
    Ljoy x

    Liked by 1 person


    NGFJB JFG FDB FDB DBHFD this is such a cool achievement im so in AWEEEEEEEEE BC 50kkkkkkkk is such a HUGE, FABULOUS ACHIEVEMENT and I’m SO PROUD OF YOU.

    Those aesthetics are BRILLIANT, I love themmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

    fghresbkgjrugbjgbojgbsudgj SNIPPETS. I DIE. I. CANNOT. I LOVE YOUR WIP SM. Likeeeeee, just the whole Plotty-ness and the idea and DRAGONS. I’M SORRY JUST DRAGONS. JKDFBS;FHGH


    Liked by 1 person

    1. i dont know about winning LIFE but yes winning NaNoWriMo WAS SO GREAT THANK YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1writing 50k WAS SOMETHING THAT IMPRESSED ME TOO. GLAD YOU LIKE THe AESTEtics AND IDEAS AND SNIPPETS AND DRAGONS AND LUUU you will be one of the first to read!!!!11

      omg thank you so much. this comment makes so happy i cannot deal

      Liked by 1 person

  10. AHH CONGRATS, I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!! *cheering wildly* Also I feel called out.😂😂😂 Ahem. And hey my 1st drafts are always complete trash so don’t feel pressure by me or anything hhaah. Anyway, I also love that you have baby dragons in your book! Also it’s totally okay to write stuff just for yourself. You improve with everything you write so THAT’S AWESOME.

    Eeep, congrats again! *sends cake*


    1. AHHH THANK YOU!! And No, it’s an AMAZING thing you won NaNo in two days! AGH YES I HAVE A BABY DRAGON AND HE IS HONESTLY SO SMOL AND GOES THROUGH SO mUCH. Why am i so evil tho! Yep, this is my first *novel* in any sense of the word so I’m definitely looking forward to gettin better and better. THANKS SO MUCH FOR LE CAKE


  11. I’M SORRY BUT I NEED YOUR NOVEL IN MY LIFE. Everything you’ve shared with us about it, snippets and all, were fricking awesome and I just NEED TO READ IT ONE DAY MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED🤞🏾
    AND YOU WON NANO!!! I always knew you would!! CONGRATS🎉🎉
    *sends cake* *and mince pies coz it’s technically Christmas*

    Liked by 1 person

  12. O.M.G!! CONGRATULATIONS Ilsa!!! Winning NanoWriMo is definitely an AMAZING accomplishment and I’m so so so happy for you!!! Also… YOUR snippets are SO SO GOOD! 😍😍 I NEED to read more of your book, it just sounds so MAGICAL and WONDERFUL! I just love it already! And the baby dragon sounds ADORABLE! Can I please adopt it? 😍😍 and your new contemporary novel sounds FAB as well! I love the fact that you are adding in a Muslim MC and it’s based in London! Just both of those facts combined with your writing style is going to make a MIND BLOWINGLY BRILLIANT book. I just know it! ❤️


    1. THANK YOU SASHA! I’ve missed you and your amazingly positive comments! IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE THE SNIPPETS I AM CELEBRATING!!!! The baby dragon is mine MINEEEEEEEEEEE. Yeah I live in London so it should make the book really easy to write. SO GLAD you like my writing and thanks so much for taking the time to comment. Your confidence in me motivates me so much xx

      Liked by 1 person

  13. heY CONGRATS ON WINNING NANO!!!!! ❤ also baby dragons and magic and storms and paint?? sign me the hEll up i would totally read this :))) your snippets are a+ btw and i'm so happy you won 🙂 now i can tell people i know someone who won nano 🙂 and survived (barely) 🙂 aNYWAY CONGRATS AGAIN ILSA!! *offers ice cream cake*

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Congrats!! I’m so happy you’re NaNo went well. I’d to drop my thanks to in real life issue – thank you academy’s project, thank you – but I will try my own NaNo in December.
    For the bit that I’ve done, locking out my inner editor was the best thing I could do too 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. You did so amazing!! Congratulations on winning 😀
    Thank you for doing word wars with me too, it was so much fun! I will gladly send you more sherlock gifs many many more hehe
    Your new story idea sounds awesome, good luck on that!!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. CONGRATULATIONS! I love that part on not comparing yourself to other writers. It’s something that’s said a lot, but it’s really hard to remember when everyone else seems so much better than you are — though as you said, we have to focus on our own novels. 😉


  17. Congrats on the win!! And thank you for sharing snippets of your work, I LOVE reading small scenes here and there of other authors’ WIPs, I feel like a VIP with behind the scenes extras 😀 And I won NaNo too! I mean, I just barely squeaked by at the last possible minute, but a win is a win, right?


  18. OHMYGOSH ILSA I’M STILL SO HAPPY THAT YOU ACTUALLY WON NANO LIKE WUUUUUT IT’S SO GREAT AND FANTASTIC AND BRILLIANT AND EXCEPTIONAL AND SFKHGDKAJJG. And I mean I didn’t win NaNo or get very far in my WIP but I think I might also be a pantser??? Or at least a plantser??? I realised that a super extensive outline just isn’t for me but like a one-page outline with the basics is good enough?? Like it’s enough for me to start writing and come up with plot and scenes as I go… IT’S COOL I’M GLAD I FOUND THIS OUT.

    AND omg I’m still feeling all giddy that your character is called Jackie (even if you’re going to change it later on) LIKE OMGDKJFGHSK THAT’S MY NAME YAYYYY I love it

    I can’t wait for your book to be published, I’ll be one of the first people to buy it 😉

    Liked by 1 person


      AND yes for Pansters! People write SUCH LONG outlines and HOW? HOW DO YOU EVEN DO THAT. I just write as it comes to me? SUPER WEIRD. But my novel IS SO MESSY, it’s unbelievable.

      Also, I think I’m going to keep her name as Jackie because she is so strong and the name suits that ❤

      ahahah this book shall never be published.

      Liked by 1 person

  19. ILSA CONGRATULATIONS! Winning NaNo is such a massive accomplishment, I’m so happy for you ♥️🤯🤩 Plus I LOVE your aesthetic and snippets! Baby dragons for the win! Plotless books get published everyday… so DO NOT underestimate yourself… though I totally understand first book jitters! And your contemporary idea sounds great…


  20. HI BBY I’M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR WINNING!!! 💖💖 it’s so awesome that you won NaNo & finished a novel! I’m seriously IN LOOOOOOOOOVE with your snippets & all your characters?? especially skatten. HIS NAME IS SO COOL. WHY DID YOU TORTURE HIM. I swear my heart twisted when I read that snippet, and I barely know him. and omggg PLEEEASE let me read a little bit of it?? maybe??? like obviously no pressure bc I totally get it but at the same time I waaaaaaaaant

    lol I found out that I CANNOT go without an outline or I will feel absolutely no motivation to write because I have no idea what I’m writing??? definitely NOT doing that procrastination that I called “prep” next year. but it’s great that you’ve figured out that pantsing is your method! it makes all the next novels easier.

    also, yes, I so agree. NaNo was so so so hard and mentally draining and some days I just could NOT, but it made me realize that I can pretty much write a full novel in a month?? (I haven’t finished yet, which I plan to do by next Wednesday SO I CAN POST ABOUT IT. word war with me)

    your new novel idea sounds so good?? I am in full support of the feminism & Muslim character, like YESSS PLEASE. I really want to finish this novel & rewrite it because I KNOW it can be better than this, and it deserves to be. I hope to finish that for like Camp NaNo in like April, so then after that I can edit the first 9K – 14K to submit for that writing contest again. 😉 and then I really want to start a magical realism WIP?? I’m thinking that “Of Skin and Flowers” one because I really want to write something with soft boys & flowers & staring up at constellations so that might be the one for that. (except I’ll need to alter Cadis because I currently imagine him as white and I want a non-white MC. might make him Asian but I’ll have to force myself to imagine him that way and I don’t want that, you know? OMG I FIGURED IT OUT DUAL POV WITH THE INDIAN BISEXUAL CHARACTER YES I’M READY FOR THIS)

    I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND PROUD OF YOU AND I’M SO GLAD THAT YOU MADE IT TO 50K!!! you machine, how did you even write that much at the end???

    Liked by 1 person

    1. first off, wow you are nearly getting better than me @ long comments. time to increase my comments to 700 words now. 😀

      AND AWW MAY YOUR ARE SO SWEET AND NICE!! 💖💖💖💖 I still can’t get over THAT I WROTE A NOVEL. like what? And ahh you like the snippets? *blushes* I LIKE SKATTEN’S NAME TOO but it IS SO FUN TO TORTURE HIM HONESTLY MAY. And ahh you won’t like it, may! My WIP is just…not…good. BUT I WANNA READ YOUR NOVEL. I’m sorry my novel is trashy. Maybe when I have rewritten I’ll let you?

      I think everyone writes differently and while I have always wanted to outline, I CAN’T FOR THE LIFE OF ME have an outline longer than a page? So yeah, I’m deffo a panster.


      and AGH *screams* I AM SO EXCITED FOR MY NEW NOVEL IDEA. Also there’s going to be a large family which I have NEVER read about before. But yes like 5 siblings! Good luck with rewriting and Camp! AND OH YES THAT WRITING CONTEST. You better win it again!!!!! OMG “of skin and flowers” I REALLY WANT YOU TO WRITE THAT ONE!!! It sounds so pretty and smol and aesthetically pleasing. And wow you’re just like figuring out your whole novel in my comments hahaha. IT SOUNDS EPIC AND DIVERSE AND AWESOME MAY.

      idk how i wrote that much at the end? i just smashed my keyboard like “dhsjdb he did ahahkds and jackie sfhufhb#” and said that was a sentence :)))))))))

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      1. nooo I’m sure I’ll love it!!! and same for me, when I rewrite GG I’ll probably let you & others read it (I really wanna read yours aaaaaahhhhh)

        AGH I REALLY WANT TO WRITE OF SKIN AND FLOWERS but I’ve been reading up a bit on what magical realism really is & how it stems from Latinx colonialism, and I don’t want to offend anyone if I write it wrong??? so idk. and I also want to write a Southeast Asian character but I’ve already had plans for a Latinx boy & an Indian girl,,,, maybe I could do a Southeast Asian side character????

        (look at me brainstorming in the comments again)

        AND AAAHHHH YES A HUGE FAMILY!!! I don’t have a huge family, but I think it’d be a lot of fun to write/read about

        Liked by 1 person

      2. well i’ll decide when all revisions are done okay? AND OMG I WANT TO READ UR BOOOKK NOOOOWWW.

        but…but…magical realism? Is? a? genre? i mean, where does fantasy origon from? i dont get it? BUT UM IDK I’LL RESEARCH I DONT WANT OFFEND ANYONE EITHER. your brainstorms are awesome. couldn’t the girl be like south east asian and indian? or something? DOES THAT EVEN WORK?!?!?!?!?!?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. OKAAAAAY. I probably will let you read mine after rewriting??? it just sucks rn as a first draft. (also I’m gonna message you about a problem I have with racial diversity in my WIP)

        yeah, it’s a genre, but like, it was originally written for Latinx people to cope with colonialism / share their stories??? I don’t remember exactly, but I found a blog post that was really informative, I’ll send it to you when I find it

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  21. I could never write that amount of words in a month, I am just too busy! That’s why I love short stories, I can fit writing them into my busy schedule.

    By the way, how do you get snow on your blog? I am so desperate to know how to do it!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. yay omg you’re writing a Muslim character yessss!!!!! I would love to see that!!! (as a Muslim it’s hard to find more of them in YA novels or just novels in general) Also I really like your November feels snippet. also your tweets. and I think I just discovered your blog and it’s so. neat. like, I just really like your blog???? and your story seems very cool, very magical. and your future contemporary is something I want to read and flail about already.
    first draft writing is exhausting. good job on winning, congratulations!!! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Wow, now I really wish I was doing Nanowrimo while I knew you. It’s true, too. The forums on the YWP was beautiful and inspirational and possibly the only reason I won because I saw other teens like me writing, too.

    Your idea seems amazing and I’m definitely checking out your pinterest. Also, because of your awesome post of your Nano, I’m feeling inspired so I’ll just write a post about my Nano, too.

    Thanks! Glad you survived Nano, too, because I nearly died from sleep deprivation myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG SAME! There’s always next year right? We can chear each other on!!

      Ahh I am in love with pinterest. Do you have one? i’d love to follow you (i follow such little accounts) I’m excited to see your NaNo experience.

      I GOT SUCH LITTLE SLEEP IN NOVEMBER?!? WHYYY (not like i was staying up super late to GET THOSE WORD COUNTS)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. YAAAS! sounds like a good idea. Wait, are you doing Camp Nanowrimo in April? Because I am, not having enough patience to wait till November, and I’m rewriting the draft I wrote in November.

        I do have a pinterest. I discovered this past year that I’m such a visually inspired person so having character boards helps me figure out my characters and IT’S AMAZING!! THE BEST FEELING OF EVER! Here’s the link: @https://www.pinterest.com/imagination4eve/?autologin=true or if it doesn’t work, you can just search up Han Potato.

        I legit stayed up all night through the month, cackling in front of the computer in the living room, and MY PARENTS WERE FINE WITH IT?! I started and finished a paper for my photography class an hour before the class started after being up all night and I’M SURPRISED THAT I ACTUALLY DID WELL!! Oh, goodness, what a month it was xD


      2. I mighhhht do Camp Nanowrimo in april. I MEAN, I do want to just..rewrite and edit my whole novel at my own pace BUT I don’t want to put myself under too much pressure? If that makes sense. All my friends are screaming at me to do it so #peerpressure ahha. We’ll see!

        YES! I love making aesthetics on pinterest and then when I’m writing i have visuals to go by and it makes description so much easier! I’ll try the link soon and I love that your username has “potato” in it.

        Oh haha I shied away from my parents they shall never know the dark magic i do in my bedroom at night on my laptop…OH GOD THAT SOUNDS WEIRD. i mean writing of course. and wow YOU ARE A MAGICIAN writing a whole paper so quickly!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I don’t think I’ll put myself under so much pressure. Or, I might. IDK, really. I was planning to actually write out a good version of the first draft, while the one I wrote over Nano is completely horrific.

        I have a ton of insane classes this spring, but I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to rewrite my draft. I have 3 months to plot it out, so I’m feeling kinda confident. Hopefully, things turn out ok.

        GO AT YOUR OWN PACE!! You shouldn’t feel pressured to overexert yourself. But, it’s also fun to do it with friends 🙂 The more people writing with you, the more motivation you’ll have. 🙂

        Thanks!! I am a professional potato xD

        hahaha, it’s totally fine. Dark magic has its uses during Nano or anytime really. haha.

        HA! *waves keyboard around as a wand* ABRACAWRITEMORE

        Liked by 1 person

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