Did I Achieve my 2017 Goals? + My 2018 resolutions (my year in review!)

So it’s time to see how successful I was and prepare myself for a hopefully epic 2018!

The year is already over?! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?! I swear it was 2016 like 2 minutes ago. I am NOT ready for 2018 but also really glad that 2017 is going to be over! Like, I am doneeeee with this crappy year ahahha.


First off, I’m going to look at my 2017 goals. I’m just going to run through them quickly and the key is below! I mean, I had to track down my old blog’s post to find out what my 2017 goals WERE but you know, I’ve got them. AND I DON’T THINK I WAS AS SUCCESSFUL as I wished to be. Fricking hell, I named my post “A fool-proof plan for 2017” HAHAHAHA @ PAST ME.



2017 Goals

  1. Do more things.❌
  2. Give more charity.✓ 
  3. Be nice.  ❌✓
  4. Be more eco-friendly. ❌
  5. Reach 1000 followers.✓ ✓ 
  6. Post more✓ 
  7. Use Bloglovin’ ❌❌
  8. Find more blogs.✓ 
  9. Reply to emails & messages quicker. ✓ ❌
  10. Use My bullet journal more ❌

So I only actually achieved four of these things and 3 of these things were blogging-related so MY LIFE DEFINITELY DIDN’T IMPROVE. Anyways, enough of my failures let’s make some goals for the new year!

Screenshot 2017-12-31 at 13.12.34


  • Reach 2000 followers! I really really hope I can do this one and it’s only like 550 more followers which I think will be pretty reachable. I’m hoping to do a massive giveaway for my blogiversary so that might help with this?
  • Post at least 2 times a week. My 2017 goal was to post more but I want to refine my goal and make sure that I’m giving you guys fresh content. To be honest, I have NO idea if I’m going to be able to do this for a WHOLE year without going on an official hiatus.
  • Launch a project. On my old blog, I had The Typewriter Project. I was thinking of hosting a huge writing challenge with a bunch of bloggers but I’m not sure anyone would be interested?
  • Continue with my photography. I have improved over time and I do want to get better. Who knows, maybe I’ll start a bookstagram? WHO KNOWS OKAy!?
  • Get back to blog hopping. Um, you know what? I used to comment on blogs daily and be opening up tabs like there was no tomorrow. But now? Ha. I check it after the ice age? Ooopsie.



  • Write more poetry. I absolutely adore writing poems. It’s been my outlet so much of the time and it’s just something I can always go back to. However, at the end of 2017, I lost touch with writing poems and I want to get back into that again.
  • Share my writing. Right now, I am so overprotective (?) over my prose. It’s something I’m embarrassed about and I kind of hate that. Because I want to share my words with all of you but way too scared of criticism and judgement and I want to move away from that.
  • Edit my novel. So, if you didn’t know, this November I finished my first WIP and it was an amazing feeling. Now I am ready to edit, rewrite and hopefully, maybe, get involved the publishing and agent world but that’s a little far-fetched I guess.
  • Win NaNoWriMo. I did it this year and I’m really hoping to do it again. contemporary YA novel and I’m really excited to write a diverse novel.
  • Branch out with my genres. Right now I’ve only written magical realism and contemporary. Because I’ve stuck to sci-fi and futuristic worlds a lot (?) and that’s not really my thing. I really want to try fantasy and create a world that I love.
  • Start writing frequently. Look, I write a lot. Sometimes I go for months without writing and it’s really bad that I’ve lost touch with that part of myself.
  • Collaborate with writers. Awesome writers in fact. I did try collab a novel with Sasha, it didn’t work out because I’m super busy next year. Trying and working with other writers in terms of ideas, brainstormings and exploring different writing styles is something super exciting!


  • Read 150 books. OMG WOW THIS WILL BE HARD! I got 113 books this year but 13 of the books were MG short books so really 100 YA thick long books so 50 more? AM I OKAY?! Wish me luck i need it ASAP.
  • Read all my unread books on my bookshelf. I HAVE LE PLAN. Don’t worry guys. I MAKE GOOD PLANS. Every month, I’m going to read 3 books off my shelf so by the end of the year, I will only have 6789876 books on my physically TBR. I AM SUCH A GENIUS!
  • Read 12 books a month on average. HOLY MOLY I BETTER BE ABLE TO THIS. I will probably read 10 books per month but then in the summer holidays read like 30 books.
  • Read ARCs in the month I receive them. I HAVE THIS TENDENCY to put off ARCs until their release dates. OOPS. Sooo I definitely want to improve that.

Long-Dividerbooks #4


  • Bullet Journal. I did start multiple in 2017 but actually gave up on it after a while mostly because i was too busy to write one. I think 2018, a year that is motivating me. Super excited.
  • Do new things. Sometimes I wish I could speak German or play a particular instrument or get better at a certain sport. I want to choose one thing in 2018 and make it a new hobby. I want something else to be my passion besides blogging, writing and reading.
  • Stay healthy. By this i mean drink more exercise more regularly but also make sure that my mental health is good as well. I want to feel less anxious about things and happier and more positive about life.
  • Become more confident. Something has happened over the last few years and my confidence has dropped. I recently got interviewed for something and I completely failed. I didn’t answer most of the questions and spoke so quietly I’m not sure anyone could hear me. Somehow, I hope to change that.
  • Write in my diary at least once a week. I absolutely love my journal/diary. Its a place where I express myself and its honesty so therapeutic. For the last 2 months, I haven’t been writing in it and I really want to get back into the habit.
  • Spend more time in the real world! Let’s be honest, most of my weekends are spent on my laptop or blogging or on SCREENS. And I just?? hate??? that?? I DEFINITELY want to change from constantly checking my twitter to occasionally going online!
  • Be more proud of my hobbies + me. I don’t know but I’m just like shy and embarrassed of basically everything I love and maybe 2018 isn’t the year I’m ready to change that but I’m putting this on here as a little possibility I might fulfil. I won’t be too sad if I don’t complete this one though.


Before I end this post, I would just like to say, thank you all for being here this year. I’ve only been blogging at AWOI for approximately 4 or 5 months (I’m just guessing) but you guys have been super supportive of me. I still have comments from months back that I need to reply to but know what I read each and every one of your comments and they make me incredibly happy.

Whether you had a good 2017 or not, I hope 2018 is a fabulous year for you all. Remember: don’t give up and keep striving. I personally can’t wait for the new year and for what is to come!

Let's Whisper

How was your 2017? What were your highlights of this year? What are you looking forward to in 2018? What goals have you made? How many books are you planning to read? What will be your main focus of next year? Happy new years (eve)!!

Ilsa - Edited

61 thoughts on “Did I Achieve my 2017 Goals? + My 2018 resolutions (my year in review!)”

  1. Holy cinnamon roll! 150 books! And I thought that my goal of 32 books was intimidating. I hope you’ll achieve it and I definitely think you will. All the best for 2018. I hope that it’s a fantastic year for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really liked this post, your positive, witty personality shines through the page. I only recently found your blog but I am loving it already!
    Good luck with your goals & happy new year 🎉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I mean, I also failed pretty much all my resolutions for 2017??? Especially the reading ones. I flopped HARD on those. But let’s pretend that never existed because I’M READY FOR 2018! I’m excited for the posts I’m going to be posting and all the books I’m planning on reading and I’m going to be entering my SENIOR YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL in the fall, so wow, lots of big things.

    I’m being the overachiever I am and planning on reading 200 books this year! I wanted to do that last year, but then blogging rudely took over my life and then I went on a reading hiatus so yeah. But now I’m ready to finally read all these books I’ve been wanting to read for two years and attack the physical copies that have been collecting dust on my bookshelves, so yeah!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. WE WERE BOTH FAILURES THIS 2017, oops! I’m READY for 2018 too! I hope it’s an amazing blogging andreading year for you and agh it sounds stressful but also awesome! you can do it Mikaela!!!

      200 books!??! HOLY COW THAT IS A LOT OF BOOKS!!! I think you can do that!! I have so many physical copies lying around and hope to read them all in the new year.

      Have a wonderful 2018 x

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think you are doing AMAZING and I will forever be amazed by the fact you haven’t been blogging for years. Seriously.
    Best of luck for all of your goals, I have no doubt you’ll make it in 2018! I get it about the “sharing your writing” thing, I am always so scared to share even just one tiny little snippet….I’m hoping to open up about my writing a bit more in 2018, as well as … well, write more, haha.
    It is amazing you are able to read SO MANY BOOKS per year, I am so impressed. I hope that 2018 will be filled with amazing books as well 😀 Wishing you an incredible new year! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marieeee. I’ll let you onto to something. I HAVE been blogging for…years. About 2 years now OOPS but I only launched A Whisper of Ink a few months ago and transferred my followers from there. I’m not magician haha!

      YES! i’d LOVE to read more about your writing but I totally get being too scared to share snippets and such. I always find it a struggle to talk about my writing because I think no one will like it!!

      Aww Marie! I hope your 2018 is filled with happiness, books and more!! You deserve an amazing year here’s to 2018. xx

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy new year! I hope you get to achieve your goals 💖

    Bullet Journaling can be hard to keep up with sometimes but I find that dedicating 10 minutes a day to it helps a lot (unless you need to make ALL the monthly spreads then you’re a goner ane spend 3 hours on it.)
    I’ve been a flop at vlog hopping in 2017 as well so it’s one of my main goals and on of the things i want to work on. I want to reach 2000 followers too but who know if I’ll make it, i hope i can.
    12 BOOKS A MONTH? That’s double what I read rip, it’s an awesome number though so good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG FADWA ❤ <3I hope I achieve my goals tooo.

      Thanks for the advice on the bullet journalling. Figuring I'll be needing all the tips I can get! I hope I manage to give it the time it needs!

      Oh I'm super bad at blog hopping too EEK! I HOPE YOU READ 2000 FOLLOWERS BECAUSE YOU DESERVE THEM AND MOREEEE!

      and i have no idea if I'm going to be able to do 12 books a month, its a leap, but I think? I can do it.


  6. whoaaaa you’ve totally got this (this being 2018). i’m très impressed that you, like, have goals and know what you want to do and all that??? bonkers. but you seem totally equipped to accomplish all of this! happy new year b 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You should totally do a writing challenge! It would be super fun! I literally found your blog like the day The Typewriter Project ended, and it was really disappointing… 😆

    Liked by 1 person

  8. OKAY I’M SO EXCITED TO SEE WHAT YOU DO IN 2018 bc just saying — judging from this list, your year is going to be AMAZINGLY productive ajsldks. And girl of course you’ll get 2k followers!! — it’d be crazy if you didn’t because you kind of deserve way more???

    Also, side note — I’m sorry I haven’t commented in such a longggg timee (COME ON SARAH STEP UP YOUR GAME) but ily & I hope you have a great new year! <33


    1. SARAH THIS COMMENT MAKES ME SO HAPPY!!! I’m excited for 2018 too! HOLY HECK IT’S ALREADY STARTED?! Hoowwww. AND YES I AM AIMING FOR 2k and I think I can get there. THANK YOUUU ❤

      And no worries on not commenting. I'm slacking @ commenting too! Happy new year, may 2018 bring you happiness and books and lots of great memories.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I would totally be interested in a blog project! 😀 You could bring the Typewriter Project to your new blog if you wanted, I never got the chance to participate in it. :/
    2017 was a pretty rough year for me, so I’m ready to finally have a fresh start. I started my blog this year, so that’s a good thing. 🙂 I’m planning on reading 50 books next year and I want to focus more on blogging, reading, and writing and being organized and trying new things and trying to be more independent. Happy New Year! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. EVERYONE, everyone, literally, has been screaming about the blog project so now people are expecting it and ahah it was a passing comment but cool. Its on. In like 6 months hahah.

      I’m sad 2017 wasn’t awesome for you but I hope 2018 is YOUR year Heather! 50 books is an awesome goal, come on you can do it!! I’m cheering yo on forever. Good luck on all your resolutions! Happy New Year!



    also i would be totally excited for any writing project you start because i bet it's going to be awesome?? and i'm pretty sure a lot of others would be too 😀

    I'M ALSO PLANNING TO READ 150 BOOKS NEXT YEAR R.I.P. US (hopefully we'll both manage to reach the goal,,)

    next year i'm going to focus mainly on blogging and school the most, then writing, then reading, then everything else. i'll be going into my first year of high school (eeeeep) so i really need to do well!! also i really want to write a novel by next year (I already have a plan in my mind) so there's that,, i'll be hella busy but i will be productive!! (hopefully!!!)

    i hope you have a great 2018 xx

    Liked by 1 person


      everyone is excited for my writing project! YAY! AND YEs, aris we GOT THIS!! 150 books…we’re not going to fail!!

      Your 2018 plans sound amazing. Good luck and happy new year! xx

      Liked by 1 person


    anyways let's get this comment started! 🙂

    1) bro of course we'd be interested in another writing project??? and if you mean by other bloggers being interested, do you mean like COLLABING WITH OTHER BLOGGERS TO DO IT. bc if so, I 100% volunteer. I was planning on doing a project, but then kind of got a little stressed out thinking about it, but if we did it together that'd be so much fun & a tiny bit less work??? idk. but if that's not your intention, I'd definitely be a participant!!!

    2) I hope you write more poetry!!! and I hope you let me read it!!! and awww yesss please share your writing with others, because it's AMAZING ❤ (I actually have a related blog post coming up about this so yaaaay)

    3) jsdflsjldf OF COURSE you'll be getting to 2K this month!!! and omg a big giveaway, can't wait!! I want to do one for my one-year this month (!!!!!!) but I'm really broke 😦 I think I bought like one book for myself in 2017??? (Illuminae) so like,,, yeah (AND BEFORE YOU SUGGEST IT, THAT $150 IS FOR ME AND ME ONLY OKAY)

    4) I 10000% relate to being on my computer/phone on the weekends and I HATE IT. I really really want to prioritize homework this year, along with reading & writing. I absolutely love to blog, but sometimes I think I'm so obsessive over it that it prevents me from living other aspects of my life. and awww ILSAAAA. I'm so glad you're more confident now, and if you ever need a confidence boost, I'm here to help ❤ and yes, be more proud of yourself & your hobbies!!! I still struggle with not-so happy thoughts (mainly related to being Asian and therefore all the stereotypes that come with it about what I do), and I'm not really planning on trying to change that, because I think it's something that society has ingrained in my mind and is too deep to dig out, but I'm trying to recognize it and just… I don't know. recognize it.

    ily ily ilyyyyyyyy <333 talk to me about anything you need, share with me what you want, and I'll always support you ❤


    1. AWW MAY THIS COMMENT ❤ ❤ ❤ OH WAIT WHY IS THIS SO LONG?! i think i know how it feels now haha 🙂

      UHM YES BUT I DO WANT TO CO-HOST IT (the writing project)!! YES, I DO MEAN WITH COLLABING WITH OTHER BLOGGERS TO DO IT. Omg, you would want to do that? I mean if we co-hosted it 'd be so MUCH easier since a writing project is a lot of work but we would get to split the workload!! omg if you actually want to this, hmu.

      may i hope to write more poetry too! and if i'm proud of it I'll send it to you. There's a 2% chance I might share it on the blog though because it is one of my 2018 goals!! and excited for your post bc i always am.

      wait you said i could get 2k THIS MONTH!? holy cow. no. But this year I think I can! AND YES A BIG GIVEAWAY…hopefully! I mean it will probably look small to you guys BUT ITS MASSIVE FOR ME. I'm so sad ur broke. I'm actually quite broke too :(( I just get a lot of books off trades and giveaways and people being nice to me on twitter. OMG YES SPEND THE $150 ON YOURSELF YOU DESERVE IT MY BROKE BOOKWORM.

      Yes I definitely want to be more organised and do hwks and READ MORE (150 books damn what have i done) YEAH, i think sometimes I spend way too much time on twitter and goodreads and the blog, I don't do other stuff? AND i 1000% hate that too! BUT YOU ARE A WONDERFUL HUMAN AND THE COLOUR OF YOUR SKIN IS WONDERFUL DON'T LET ANYONE ELSE TELL YOU OTHERWISE. Asian Queeeeen okay?

      wow may i'm crying. thanks sooo much for being here ❤

      Liked by 1 person


        and yessss you definitely have to write more poetry (and share it with meeeee)

        aahahhah NOOO I meant 2K by the end of the year (I’m predicting…. 2.3K) and hahhahha luckyyyy no books for trade for me 😦

        yeah same!! like I love doing all this stuff but it’s so important to spend time off screens soooo and AJFLDSKJFLSD THANK YOOOOU ❤

        Liked by 1 person


    I would so be interested in a writing project! It seems like a really good way to connect with other bloggers which is something I definitely want to do more of in 2018. If you decided to go ahead with it, count me in!

    I understand how you feel about sharing your writing, your own writing is a very personal thing and quite literally your own little baby. I don’t want to pressure you into sharing something that you don’t feel comfortable sharing, but I would love to read it as I’m sure it is AMAZING. Btw, in my opinion, writing and reading is a very subjective thing, something that one person LOVES, another person will no doubt hate. No matter if the writing is brilliant, sometimes a book just isn’t your kind of read, but that’s ok. No one can tell you that something you’ve created isn’t good or wasn’t worth it. If it’s something you’ve put a lot of effort into and are proud of, then you have succeeded, other peoples opinions don’t matter and shouldn’t change the way you feel about it.

    I agree with you that i often find my days fly past while I’ve done nothing but sit on technology. It often makes me feel like I’m wasting my life and not taking advantage of the resources and opportunities I have available to me. I find that a technology detox even for a few days can be very helpful and calming.

    Lots of love and happy new year from Australia

    PS: good luck reading 150 books!!
    PPS: I hope that your 2018 is full of success and lots of ice-cream

    Liked by 1 person

    1. holy socks, THIS IS A LONG COMMENT?! I’m so sad the other one got deleted, I appreciate the comment anyways and that you wrote it all up again! RIP YOUR COMMENT!!!

      Lots of people are interested in the writing project so NOW I AM EXCITED!! I definitely will be doing it but later on in the year.

      YES! You get it! MY WRITING IS SO PERSONALLY I have no idea if I can share it! Aww omg, this is so sweet and motivating. People like you and comments like this make me think “my writing should be shared and maybe it is amazing” so thank you for that. You’ve just put this into such amazing words. I’ve got to remember writing is from myself and that others people’s opinions on it are important but my self-worth is too.

      YES! I hate that I spend so much time on technology and I want to change that *as she sits in beds replying to commens for an hour*

      Thanks for the luck! Happy new year to you too! I hope 2018 brings you books, happiness and more awesomeness!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. This is an aaamazing list!! And I hope you have a lot of luck with it! 150 books is awesome and also I really admire you doing that plus like school and everything. I’m attempting 200 books again but like I have SO much editing and writing to do and I’m going to be away most of February so we’ll see?! 😂 It might be the first year in a long time that I don’t read a ton hhaha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you cait for the luck! I have NO idea if I can reach 150 because as you said, school and life and the usual occurrence of drowning in the TBR. Ahh yes! Your Debut is coming out AND editing and writing so hmm. Maybe 200 books won’t be as easy as before? I hope you still do get to complete your challenge!


  14. I definitely think 2018 is going to be a good year!! I mean, it has to, right? After all we’ve been through in 2017…

    Yes, 2018 is going to be amazing. Good luck on your goals! My biggest goal is to see my debut novel in print! It’s going to be a long road of editing, editing, MORE editing and maybe some chocolate, but I’m super excited! Now if I could just stop procrastinating, that would be dandy.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Good luck on the followers! I think I might also try my simpler version of bullet journaling, focusing only on my blog and scheduling, and post ideas for my blog. Hope 2018 will be a year where we achieve all our goals! 😀

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  16. Oooh, what sort of writing challenge? That sounds fun!

    I so grok the shy, low self-esteem thing. I have it in spades. I’m shy, and so very guarded and distrustful of people and their motivations. I’m working on that, but it’s slow going… Best of luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. It was great fun reading this post! Yes! Go ahead and write more poetry! 150 books?? OMG! I really hope you achieve that goal! I mean, hope you achieve all your goals!😁🐧🌵
    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Holy bagumba, you have got TONS of amazing goals here! It kind of inspires me to actually make goals for myself because usually I turn and flee as soon as the word “goals” is uttered within earshot. Highlights of 2017 include: 1. Watching (and rewatching…twice) A.S.O.U.E. season 1 on Netflix. 2. GOING TO BROADWAY. 3. Starting my blog and keeping it alive thus far. 4. Staying up late and goofing off with my sisters. 5. Finishing the first draft of my second ever novel shaped project. I had a good year, even if it was sprinkled with terror and failure at times.
    I wish you buckets of luck for your 2018 goals, and whatever happens I hope you have a fantastic year!


    1. THANK YOU I LOVE MAKING GOALS?!?! I do not flee because?? IDK. I haven’t wateched a series of unfortunate events on Netflix I really should though! YES CONGRATS ON KEEPING UR BABY BLOG ALIVE!! Yesssss for finishing ur second draft that is FANTASTIC!! Thanks so much, hope u have an amazing new year tooo!

      Liked by 1 person

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