How I organise my book blogger life because it’s busy!! hectic!! catastrophic!!


Hahahha…I obviously stick to this schedule otherwise the dragons living under my bed would come out to haunt me and devour my soul. Like that already hasn’t happened.


So…USUALLY I have a schedule mapped out for the WHOLE MONTH and I write down dates and assign them post ideas. For the last 2 months, I HAVE NOT BEEN DOING THAT hence the aforementioned one-week unannounced hiatuses (?). BUT ANYWAYS, here’s what I usually do.

So I did this for August and I uncrossed them all out so you could SEE WHAT I WROTE. But I actually use the ‘tick’ feature to cross them off when posted. I use GOOGLE KEEP (which is the best ever. more on this gold later) to allow me to use cool to-do list checklist notes.


SO YOU DON’T DIE AND MISS POSTING AND STICKING TO YOUR BLOGGING SCHEDULE. Not only does it REMIND YOU TO POST, but you know WHAT TO POST and therefore SO MUCH LESS STRESS. Planning ahead WORKS so DO IT. (wow, i should really listen to my own advice??)


Calm down, CALM DOWN, I’m still a proud dog-earer! Gosh. I’m talking about the actual online ‘bookmarks’ which you can use on Google to save websites for later.

So bookmarks ACTUALLY SAVE MY LIFE OKAY?? Trust me on this one.


  • Save all links for awards/tags I’ve been nominated for
  • Save all links to include in my monthly recap
  • Save all links I want to save for general use later
  • Save all ARC-related links
  • Save all good resources for graphics

HENCE ALL THE FOLDERS. I LOVE FOLDERS OKAY? it just. helps. so. much! And they’re super fun and make me feel professional. So whenever I need a link I just pop in there and HEY PRESTO, I’m done!


If you’re like me and 567896 years behind on responding to tags? Yeah, this is helpful! Also because sometimes YOU JUST NEED THAT LINK and so this is super handy!


Google Keep has literally has SAVED MY LIFE. I use it for simply so many things! And the best thing is…COLOUR! SO. MUCH. COLOUR. I should have a key for my notes like red=important but right now I just go crazy with rainbow spraying!


So I use it a bit for ARC’s. Sometimes I see an upcoming release and I think it sounds interesting so i jot it down for later and try requesting afterwards. And I also store most publisher emails there so I don’t have to take gazillion years finding out how to contact them. (these are not personal contacts with the publishers. These are just general ones!)

Screenshot 2017-10-14 at 16.16.52

I also keep track of my Netgalley books that I need to read. Sadly it’s always growing (I’m on a ban) and never works. *sigh*

Screenshot 2017-10-14 at 17.53.19.png

And Coding! I use a bit of HTML (okay a lot) to format my posts to make them look really great and have them easy to read, so I always grab the code from this note!

Screenshot 2017-10-14 at 15.31.04

And to-do lists! Because MY LIFE IS SO SAD AND CRAZY. I tick these of about 67 years later. R.I.P me. I also always end up sending my to-do lists to May? like why. what is wrong with me.

I also have random notes on there because I am weird. Go figure.


I don’t think it takes up much storage? And it’s SO EASY TO USE and like it’s EVERYTHING IN ONE PLACE. Also, you will love it.


asdfghjklkjhgfdsasdfghjklkjhgfdsdfghjklkjhgf OKAY GOOGLE DRIVE IS MY HOME. I live there okay. folders. inside. folders. PURE GOLD.


So I  have a BLOG folder which is my main one. I have others but I won’t show you because my life is too amazing for you mortal humans to behold.

I store all my photography (well only the aesthetic ones.) and I ALL my featured images in folders just in case. Same goes for blog graphics (things like dividers) and other things!

Screenshot 2017-10-14 at 15.51.13




So I USE GOODREADS. Which is very addicting DO NOT RECOMMEND. Actually, i do recommend. FRIEND ME OK??


Oh me? I kind of scroll through Goodreads and get sucked into a black hole. Haha…yeah #storyof my life, however i also –>

  • Write reviews! I hardly ever do ‘RTC’ because I write reviews straight after i read my book otherwise my inner goldfish will appear.
  • Stalk other people! It’s not my fault you guys have such relatable general updates and books you are reading!
  • Constantly add to my TBR. Because what else was I born to do??
  • Enter giveaways. WHICH I NEVER WIN. haha, and half of them are only open to the US? Which is so sad
  • Keep track of my 2017 reading challenge! WHICH I FINISHED. I have officially read 100 books this year which. is. so. exciting!! ASDFGHJKL, but yes anyways.
  • Add my own bookish updates. LIke right now I’m reading Our Dark Duet and I AM SCREAMING ABOUT IT


It 1)takes over your life 2) makes you competitive 3) stresses you about reading :)))))))))))

SO LIKE GOODREADS IS LOWKEY RUNNING MY LIFe but aha who even cares about that? NOT ME.

Long-DividerTwitter & Pinterest (?)

Okay…so. HI. Twitter doesn’t really ORGANISE my life but it HELPS. You know it’s like a little bookish outlet for me and also loads of exciting news there which I can keep track of. When you are on twitter and following the right people, you get to know a lot of things! So twitter, in the sense of organising my NEWS life, is very helpful

Pinterest is supposed to help with my writer’s life… but I haven’t ever made anything for my book and I should BUT JUST GO AWAY OKAY? Thanks.

Long-DividerInbox by Google

So I have to mention this! Inbox is basically the aesthetic and clean version of Gmail. Same idea, same email but BETTER IN EVERY WAY.


It lets you tick things off as ‘Done’ so you can reach 0 emails in your inbox and you can ‘Snooze’ emails if you want a nap and come back to it later.

There’s also ‘templates’ if you go to settings and I put my ARC template there and bring it up whenever I request copies from a publisher and it takes me 2 seconds because I just have to fill in Title and author name and send it off. #lifehacks


Um?? It makes a lot of things A LOT EASIER to do and SAVES A LOT OF TIME!!

a recap

Thank you to the amazing Ju for letting me copy and paste her post onto my blog and be famous ❤ ❤ ❤ JUST KIDDING! I took inspiration AND A LOT OF PARTS ARE VERY SIMILAR. Wow, I am such a copycat. BUT I HAVE LE PERMISSION. But, check out her post because it’s way better than my catted version. 🙂

WEBSITES/APPS you need to check out!


I’m not really that organised. Help.

Let's Whisper

How do you organise your blogging life? Do you use Google Keep? What is your favourite application to use? Do you have Goodreads? How do your procrastinate? SHARE YOUR SECRETS PENGUINS.

Ilsa - Edited

79 thoughts on “How I organise my book blogger life because it’s busy!! hectic!! catastrophic!!”

  1. Compared to me, you’re super organized! I usually make up on the spot what I write about or sometimes plan ahead for a week. I have sticky notes on my laptop dashboard that I use for keeping links of posts I need to remember (usually for tags) and if I want to read a post later I just open it as a tab and keep it there until probably forever and forget about it. I just found a post from early September that I was planning on reading… oops.
    Great tips!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lately, I HAVE NOT BEEN ORGANISED but Usually I am quite on top of my blogging game *feels proud*. I use sticky notes but mostly to remember stuff when I’m not on a phone/laptop. Haha I HATE HAVING TOO MANY TABS OPEN. I have to focus on ONE THING. Right now I only have one tab open so I can focus on replying to comments XD

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have really cool digital sticky notes 🙂 I barely every use the physical ones haha
        I always have soooo many tabs open, but it doesn’t bother me that much anymore. Right now I have 4 open which is a small miracle. Usually it’s over 15 xD

        Liked by 1 person

  2. so i need to follow all this advice because — ACUTALLY I DO MOST OF THIS MYSELF, just not with google… or in such a snazzy way. OKay i actually need these tips!! Google Keep literally sounds like my soul mate or something because i need it in my life. *runs to find Google Keep*

    Great post XD

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow great post! I’ve learned from this that I need to up my google game 😜 But seriously, bookmarks and keep sounds so smart! currently I just keep notes in my phone but that’s sketch you know?
    I also feel like I should start planning my schedule more in advance. Right now it’s just a week in advance (if that) because LIFE IS BUSY but it’s probably easier if it’s further in advance?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I absolutely love knowing how other bloggers keep up with their blogging so thanks for this! (Also mind if I steal this as well this is a GREAT idea)


  5. Great post! I definitely do the whole “plan posts a month ahead” thing. It really keeps me on track, is less stressful for me, AND I remember things!! Yay!! I REALLY WANT to write posts at least a week ahead to be less, but I haven’t found the time to just write all the posts yet so we’ll see.

    ALSO. I NEED TO USE GOOGLE KEEP. I keep meaning to, but then I don’t actually do it??? And I REALLY NEED TO BOOKMARK THINGS. I always forget what posts I want to link to in my recaps, and I ALWAYS forget what tags/awards I’m nominated for. (I’ve given up now.) And yes??? Folders?? I love folders??? Like my Google Drive has TONS of folders (well not my blog account) and I love it.

    And YES GOODREADS. I swear my life has been consumed by it BUT I definitely am more motivated to read books. (Also how dare you read 100 books AND not tell me I hate you.)

    Love this post! 💕 And I just realized I capitalized this comment woo hoo.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES I KNOW. I coppied the whole “plan posts a month ahead” thing from you so…XD I AM LITERALLY POSTING LAST MINUTE THESE DAYS and it’ scrazy! I wish I was actually as organised as this post makes me out to be.

      YES YOU DO NEED TO USE GOOGLE KEEP AND BOOKMARKS THINGS. Then you wouldn’t forget things, you know??? BUT YAY for using Google Drive I love it so much! LIKE FOLDERS ARE HEAVEN.

      THank youuu for the comment and YAY for correct capital letters and grammar

      Liked by 1 person

  6. love love love folders on folders on folders!! I’m obsessed with Google drive and literally use it for EVERYTHING. I have not heard of Google Keep or Inbox so I am SUPER EXCITED to start suing them (THX). Twitter is the best and the worst because i literally just tweet every thing that I’m feeling and also no one cares ??? BUT I LOVE IT, SUE ME! GR keeps me sane and I love following reading updates from everyone! I just added you as a freind, can’t wait to follow your GR reviews!!


    1. FOLDERS INSIDE FOLDERS INSIDE FOLDERS is my DREAM COME TRUE!! YES FOR ANOTHER GOOGLE DRIVE FAN!! Keep and Inbox are AMAZING TOO! I hope you love them as much as Drive! TWITTER is super great! And Goodreads is my safe book haven, love it! Thanks for adding me as a friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. I am SO unorganized when it comes to blogging… really when it comes to anything, but I have absolutely NO organization when it comes to blogging… I should really work on that…
    Sadly, I’m not on goodreads (yet), I really want to be, but I need to ask my parents… and that’s sort of scary for some reason… So, not yet. But soon. Hopefully. If I don’t chicken out again… ugh.


  8. Ohhh such a great post – I think you”re pretty organized aahah, I love all of these folders ideas and things. I use Google Sheets for my blogging Schedule and mostly my phone to keep the random ideas somewhere. Otherwise, well, it’s my camera for the pictures and my bookmarks for the links I want to keep as well, ahah; I LOVE all of these folders to keep the things you want in your monthly wrap-ups and such. You’re just sooooo organized, seriously ahah.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. How do you get a Pinterest Widget? I’ve been meaning to get one of those for ages. You are so organised! I have to write all my posts basically the day beforehand!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Currently, I’m just using sticky notes on my laptop and Google Drive! Along with that I also use Google Calendar and a notebook for my reviews or to simply plan out what I want to post for the upcoming week. I also keep track of the month’s releases to give me an idea of which books I should prioritize. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Everyone seems to use sticky notes and I kind of do? Not really. Google Keep is basically the online version of sticky notes. GOOGLE DRIVE IS PERFECCT!! I’ve never warmed up to Google Calendar though?? My bullet journal arrived in the mail this week and I can’t wait to start using it!


  11. I’m the most unorganized EVER. My idea of a schedule is marking dates on my calendar (like once/twice a week) and then posting on those days. *facepalm*
    bUT I WILL TRY TO START USING GOOGLE KEEP/GOOGLE INBOX/and the other google stuff you mentioned oops I’m too lazy to scroll up? ANYWAY. Thanks for the tips, Ilsa 😀


  12. Haha a schedule?? …what’s that can you eat it???
    I HATE Twitter. I mean…I’m on it CONSTANTLY just creeping but I hate actually twitting. It makes me an anxious mess. If I ever post something I have to log off all social media and do anything else. Nope nope nopity nope nope.
    I love goodreads because 1. IT KEEPS TRACK OF MY READING CHALLENGE YES PLEASE and 2. I can write ranty reviews immediately after finishing a book?? That I than add some actually good jokes and pretty graphics too and VOILA a post!! I just like having my life ruined by goodreads ok?!
    It’s ok if you’re an unorganized penguin once in a while!! You can relax (not really because SCHOOL!!!!) and enjoy your chocolate eclairs.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I wish I had my posts planned out as far as you! I use a much more haphazard method of posting whatever is done when it fills right, I rarely have more than one or two posts scheduled… Also Google Keep is amazing! I don’t remember how I first came across it but I keep code snippets, story ideas, passwords, and a bunch of other stuff there. God, if I lost the stuff in there it’d be a disaster…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestly, this post makes me look so organised WHEN REALLY I AM MESS. YES!!! Google Keep is this perfect little treasure and I JUST LOVE IT! If i didn’t have Google Keep, I’d probably be just looking at a void and getting sucked into a black hole. ahahaa

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hehe sameeee. Also I’ve been loving this one computer app at the moment. It’s called Antnotes and it allows you to create these teeny digital sticky notes that you can type reminders or random crap on and pin to your desktop, it’s amazing!!! The only sad thing is it doesn’t sync across devices, but I always have my laptop with me these days so it’s not really that big of an issue.


  14. Great post! I usually use google calendars to keep up with both my blogging life and my personal/school life. I really like how you can create multiple calendars and color code everything. I also use sticky notes on my desktop to keep track of any discussion topic ideas and tags/awards that I still need to write and who tagged me in them

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I attempted to organise my blogger life at the beginning of September before school….that all drastically went down hill😂 But I’m going to try and organise myself again, using some of what you use should help me tonnes!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. YOUARESOORGANIZEDOHMYGOD. i am about to die from inadequacy right now. but not before stealing all your strategies


  17. Dude this is SO great!! I haven’t heard of the majority of these!

    I usually just put write ideas and schedule them straight into WordPress. It USUALLY encourages me to work on it before the publish date, but usually I just re-schedule it and push it back again and again because I suck… haha

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Oh snap, this is crazy! I try to stay organized, but that mostly consisted of keeping a neat little list of topic discussions…haha, I better get my act together! Maybe this is something that will come more naturally once I’ve been at it for awhile. Thanks for sharing! It gave me some great ideas!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. WHOA WHOa whoa you obviously copied me?? I deserve more than one sentence??? (Just kidding I love you IT’S OKAY)

    I DID NOT KNOW THAT INBOX EXISTS AND IT’S SO COOL AHHHH. Also I sometimes use Google Keep but… I don’t think I’ve touched my Google Keep notes in five months. #Organized

    I PROCRASTINATE ALL THE DAMN TIME. And even if there are no updates to read, I just stare at the Goodreads homepage sometimes??? And just… ponder life??? I DON’T KNOW.


  20. Google Keep is literally the best thing ever! I’m writing/researching for my dissertation at the moment and it’s been an absolute life saver! I used to keep tabs open if things I wanted to read, but now I just stick in Google Keep and it’s all their in one place, I think it’s truly a magical creation!


  21. Great post! I might implement some of your strategies because I am such a disorganised blogger. I would love to read a post about how to write a request for an ARC because I am very lost in that area.


  22. I only use Goodreads, Pinterest (only for writing boards) and for the rest my agenda. Nothing more. I’m pretty sure that if I will start to use all the rest…. Well, I’m probably going to abandon everything. I use my phone for my pics and some apps for creatig the post headers. I’m quite simple at blogging. In the end I just try to program and stick to my schedule 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  23. I LOVE GOOGLE KEEP. You’re very impressive. I am not this organised with blogging. I don’t get arcs and I don’t get tagged for many things so that’s not a problem…but yeah, this is impressive. I generally try to psot a review on tuesday, a feature or tag on thursday, and a discussion on Saturday.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Um what do you mean you’re not organised?!? 😂😂 This is freaking AMAZING. I legit have no plan. I have days I’m going to post but WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN ON THEM??? WHO CAN KNOW. *screams into the void* The only “schedule” I really have is that whatever the TTT prompt is = I’ll do it.😂 I NEED TO WORK BETTER AT THIS THOUGh because I end up stressing so much haha. I love that you keep track of everything so efficiently!! Good on you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. BUT CAIT YOU SEEM LIKE THE MOST ORGANISED BLOGGER OF EVER. Like I hardly see you miss your schedule! I really want to start participating in TTT. But this post makes me seem a lot more organised than I actually am, haha XD Though I do like being on top of my blogging game


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